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If you send your prayer requests to us, we will be praying for you. We meet on Tuesday mornings and that’s happening again this week. We meet here at 10 and we have special times of prayer we take prayer requests very seriously and we lift people in prayer. We’re praying for Bill who’s down on the coast. We’ve been praying for him as you know and then there are people. There are actually people on both sides of Canada that we’re praying for and they’re both listening in today and so we’re praying for those people as well.

So for those of you who can’t make it out on Tuesday mornings but you’re at home, we’re hoping that you’ll join in with us and pray there. And we’d like to share our prayer requests that come in and you know about a way that we have of sharing those with you so we hope that you’ll take advantage of that privilege. It’s online and it’ll work for you just fine. You’ll know exactly what we’re up to in our prayer ministry here at the church. So I’ve got this little line going through my head recently and it comes out of Psalm 103 where the psalmist said, bless the Lord, oh my soul, and don’t forget what he’s done for you.

Our memories need to be jogged now again and so I’ve chosen to bring this message to you this morning about remembering and about the value of memory for every one of us. And so I’m going to ask someone to come and help me with this reading this morning. A microphone’s been prepared for her and what I want to do this morning is I want to read Psalm 103 and I’d like you to read it with me. So I’ll read the first verse and then you’ll read the second verse and I’ll read the first verse and the third and you’ll read the fourth and Bernice will be leading your part.

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