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The Night God Wrestles Jacob!
Well, I’m back talking about Jacob again. I just can’t leave this fellow alone. And I’m looking at the book of Genesis chapter 32, and I’m going to start reading…
I’m uncertain of the details of this story, but it’s been told to me by some of the oldest from this congregation that the Pauls played a significant part in…
The Foolishness of Christianity!
Is that an unsettling statement? It’s a biblical one. And I’ll share with you my thoughts in just a moment. I want to set the stage in terms of Christianity…
Mt Moriah!
The people of Israel that God had chosen indicated to them he was drawing them to a place that he referred to as the Promised Land. He told them long…
The Prayer Life!
You may be seated if you don’t stop worshiping. I’m not ready to preach yet but I do want to read something from the word of the Lord. I want…
Sacrament of Service!
Good morning. This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. you may be seated. Bless your word unto our hearts And magnify…
A Study of David!
I’m giving Jacob a little rest this morning. I’ve been speaking about him quite a bit and I’m focused this morning rather on David. David. I’ve spent some time talking…
Jacob Becomes Israel!
News, just within the last 48 hours. This is really not a political thing, it’s a satanic thing. And I did hear a lady by the name of Talab. She’s…
Mother’s Day!
Okay, well, it’s great to see a lot of people here. You know what? I’m not moved by small numbers or large numbers because it’s all about Jesus. Amen? It’s…

See What God Can Do