Good morning. This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. you may be seated. Bless your word unto our hearts And magnify your name And all God’s people said . . Amen. You may be seated if you don’t stop worshiping. Isn’t it good to be in God’s house today? We are going to talk about the sacrament of service This thought came to me around Easter time Because we celebrate the foot washing of Jesus during that holy week And at that particular point I had been asked to speak at the funeral of a man that John and I had learned to love and who was a servant indeed and thinking about service I couldn’t just stop with his message I had to sit down and write this out And if I read it this morning. Because I’m just a little distracted these days But I intentionally Entitled my message using the word sacrament Now I know what we mean when we usually use this word The dictionary defines it as one of the Christian ceremonies Like Eucharist or the communion But I studied Latin for five years in high school I have no idea why, but I did And I found out something about sacramentum It simply means things that are holy And that deserve reverence It’s akin to our word sacred Service people when it springs from love And is carried out in Jesus name.
Is something holy and something sacred Let me say that again Service when it springs from love And is carried out in Jesus name It becomes something holy Do you say amen to that this morning? As we contemplate Jesus’ act and admonition At the last supper It’s my desire to encourage all of us again today To continue serving with purpose Or if you haven’t been serving To enlist in this holy enterprise As we have sung today This simple song of testimony is the experience Of at least most of the Christians I know I am happy in the service of the King I am happy, oh so happy I’m not judging.
I’m not complaining I’m not going for a martyr’s crown I’m happy in the service of the King I have peace and joy That nothing else can bring In the service of the King Serving is a blessing And Jesus said It was a greater blessing than receiving Now there are many references to King David In the Bible, in Scripture One that I call to mind today in our theme Is from a synagogue sermon That Paul preached The words are simple but their impact Is significant It says in Acts 13 and 36 For David, after he had served his generation By the will of God Fell asleep, The apostle did not mention here That he was a great songwriter But he was Or that he was a hero And that he was brave Well he was that and more Or that he suffered great personal struggles And injustice, although we know that to be true He did not mention the great fame That David won for Israel Not even that in humility He stored up supplies for a temple He would never build Even as some almost overemphasize it In these days, he didn’t mention that David danced.
What Paul did mention was That he served He served his generation That is indeed a noble calling Jesus himself is the supreme example of this He says in Mark 10, 45 For the Son and the man did not come to be served But to serve And to give his life A ransom for many That’s the status of service I want to talk then about the success of service Jesus ultimately did not value success by statistics Or great accomplishments But by faithfulness Can I say that again? Jesus ultimately did not value Success by great statistics or great accomplishments.
But by faithfulness Not well done you smart enterprising Or skilled servant Instead, well done you good And faithful servant And again, whoever can be trusted in very little Can be trusted in much Those of you who have heard me preach before Know that I can start into the middle of a song In the middle of my sermon And it doesn’t mean that the message is over It just means I decided to sing I don’t know whether I’ll sing this or not But some of you will recognize the words right away In the harvest field now ripen There’s a work for all to do Hark the voice of God is calling to the harvest calling you The voice you’re called to labor seems so small And little known It is great Say it is great It didn’t say it very loudly It is great It is great if God is in it And He will not forsake His own When the conflict here is ended And our work on earth is done He will say if we are faithful Welcome home My child, well done This is the success of service Little as much When God is in it Labor not for wealth or fame.
There’s a crown And you can win it If you’ll go In Jesus’ name Little as much When God is in it Labor not for wealth or fame. There’s a crown And you can win it If you’ll go In Jesus’ name. And everybody said The assembly To which Joan and I have been apart for the last 20 years Has no janitor Despite the fact that it’s not a very small facility A group of seniors meet weekly They tidy the stage
They clean the toilets They sanitize the kitchen And the nursery and vacuum the sanctuary floor And seats And after they finish they pray over every seat in the sanctuary Two of them are deacons Some I don’t even know by name But God knows them And records their labor of love in heaven Hebrews tells us in chapter 6 and verse 10 For God is not unjust To forget your labor of love Many of them will never be publicly acclaimed But heaven takes notice Even if earth does not Do you say amen to that this morning? Undoubtedly they will not be named It’s one of our national conventions
But that’s not the big deal What the big deal is is their faithfulness Their commitment And their devotion to what we think is the small stuff God rewards that And his approval is the apex of success Whether anybody else notices or not I want to talk about the sacrament of service Service for and to God Is commended as worship in the scripture It’s commended as worship in this life Paul says Romans 12-1 from the new international version Therefore I urge you brothers in view of God’s mercy To offer yourselves as living sacrifices Holy and pleasing to God Which is your spiritual worship Again in the life to come In the final chapter of Revelation
Chapter 22 verse 3 one verse reads And his servants shall serve them Him Most others translate this phrase something like this His servants shall worship him But saints both on earth and in heaven Worship is service and service is worship Worship is not just lifting your hands And singing praise courses It’s dedicating your whole life and all your talents Onto the Lord Say amen this morning I want to encourage you that even though you’re not Publicly recognized God recognizes your servants And someday there will be a reward He that sees in secret will reward you openly What makes service and worship sacramental
Is that it is motivated and activated by love This loving service was demonstrated by Jesus Divesting himself of all of the bright clothes That would have been worn for the Passover feast And taking a towel and a basin He performed the duties of a slave And in light of that he says two things to us today If I then your Lord and Master have washed your feet.
You ought also to wash one another’s feet Now in our churches we don’t generally wash feet But my wife and my mother pardon me was raised in a church That did and taught our family to do it And a few months ago we decided to have a foot washing service In our church in Brantford And I want to tell you it started out to be a one hour service And went out on for three hours Heaven came down and glory filled our souls So if you do it in reverence it’s a thing to be done
The second thing is he says A new commandment I give you that you love one another As I have loved you The old commandment said You shall love your neighbor as yourself But Jesus bumped that up Away up we should love as he loved And that makes our service sacramental I have so many examples in my ministry of selfless service But I want to tell you a few I want to tell you about a woman Who was my mother-in-law She didn’t have a lot of formal education But she was a saint if there ever was one And she showed her love by the things she did She was an old fashioned lady She bought wool She made my wife card it
She spun it And she made all kinds of wool. Every son, every son-in-law And every grandson, every Christmas Got either a pair of mittens and or socks And every woman got a pair of mittens You say what’s spiritual about that? She did it for Jesus’ sake She did it in love And she did it out of compassion And God takes notice I want you to know people that Your everyday lives that are given to God Are noticed by Him Whether you’re in church Sunday morning Or whether you’re cleaning the carpets God knows the attitude of your heart And He wants you to look up and say
Thank you Lord for the strength to do this I do it for your honor and glory Then there’s another example Many years ago We were asked to preach in the large What has become a huge church In Kampala In Uganda At that time The capital was at Civil War And Musevene was moving into the city As a matter of fact we had to stop the meetings For a little while just because Bombs were going off and All kinds of guns were firing But we got into this building And I don’t want to take the time to explain it But it had been a wonderful
Public building in the middle of the city of Kampala But all of the fighting had wrecked a whole lot of things But there were chairs there And every day before the meetings A woman would come in They were leatherback chairs And she would wash every chair in the sanctuary And there were several hundred of them And one day I said to Gary Skinner Gary, who is this woman? He said you’ll be surprised to know That her husband is a minister in the Ugandan government This woman could have hired somebody else To do what she did But every day So that the seats would be cleaned For those who would come to the night service She washed them
As an act of service of love to the church And devotion to God And I think God took as much notice of that As the sermons I preached every night Then there was a woman in a church that I pastored Not awfully far from here She was a very wealthy woman Faithful in the church And that church used to have a clean up day every year And when I came there to pastor I didn’t really understand the magnitude of this thing But I got there at five minutes before it was to start And there were almost as many people there as were in church Sunday morning I mean people were everywhere But this woman had gotten to start early Once again she could have hired people to clean the whole church But she was out in a ravine Picking papers and garbage out of the ravine.
So that when people came to the house of God The lawn would look good. I think God noticed that And I think he blessed it Because she did it for his honor and glory. Are you with me this morning? Do you understand how important your everyday service is to God? Let me tell you one more story I read it in a magazine and I hope it’s true Many years ago in the south Mordecai Ham was conducting a tent meeting There were hundreds of people attending each night And one night two teenage boys came in They were late And all the saved people were sitting in the back seats Smile at me And so they didn’t want to go up to the front So they were going to leave
And Anashear saw them Anashear And he went to them and said just a minute lads And he went to a couple of people and said Would you mind moving your seat There’s a couple of boys that want to come to church here The couple moved And sat down Do you know who one of those boys was? Billy Graham Mordecai Ham might have preached a great sermon But that usher did a great thing for the kingdom of God Because he served exactly where he was In the Old Testament There were hundreds of Levites Who’d never blew a chauffeur Or a silver trumpet in public Unlike Aaron who was a raid in splendid
And holy attire on feast days They looked after, carried and protected The tent of meeting and what it contained They unpacked and packed For 40 years during Israel’s desert wanderings What they did is long forgotten And perhaps was not even noticed then by a lot of people And their names will never be acknowledged here But they did not escape the notice of God Because they acted in their place of service That’s what puts glory In even the most menial service How we serve our generation Is not the ultimate That we served God by doing his will Is what is ultimate.
That’s what makes service sacramental. What will count in eternity Is that we served. Not just how we served And folks, none of it Will go unrewarded Can I read you a story When John D. Rockefeller entered business He drove himself like a slave At 33 he made his first million And those days that was a lot of money At 43 by concentrating night and day He controlled the biggest business in the world Standard oil At 53 he was the world’s only billionaire The richest person on earth To achieve this He forgot about his health and happiness He lost his hair and looked like a ghost.
He made a million every week But his digestion was so bad That he could only eat crackers and milk Lacking consideration for others He lived for big profits He was so hated by the men in his oil fields That they burned him in effigy He had round the clock bodyguards He had no peace And no happiness As he sought to protect and control his massive wealth He was being smothered by it He couldn’t sleep And he couldn’t eat When John D. was 53 years of age a biographer wrote of him …
An awful age was in his face He was the oldest man I had ever seen In his skinny body Was a restless soul News papers had already written his obituary In their files Because he was dying During one of those long nights When John D. couldn’t sleep A startling truth dawned on him That he would not be able to take even one thin dime With him when he left this world So he asked himself in the night Why am I so selfish? He lost no time transforming money into blessing for others Establishing the Rockefeller Foundation He began showering millions on hospitals, Universities, mission work and helping the needy His money helped discover penicillin. His money saved millions of people from malaria, TB and depth area His money helped rid the south of hookworm.
The list of worthy causes he supported is endless And when he did that a miracle happened in his soul When he began serving others The Lord put new vitality into him His digestion returned to normal And he enjoyed life until he was 98 years old Service is a sacrament Service blesses God Blesses you and blesses others Above all others The selflessness and humility and neatness Of this scene at the Last Supper. Jesus … Calls us to service To lowly humble service, and we sang it this morning O to be like the full of compassion Loving, forgiving, tender and kind Helping the helpless Cheering the fainting Seeking the wandering sinner to find O to be like thee Lowly in spirit Holy and harmless Patient and brave Meekly enduring cruel reproaches Willing to suffer others to save. When I was a young minister, I went to a convention in Saskatchewan, and I will never forget the speaker. He was the superintendent from the Assamis of God in Montana. Before he preached, he lifted his Bible and sin.
Great Word of God. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. If you have a Bible, I know people use their whatever, but if you have a Bible, lift it up. Say after me, great Word of God. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. One more time, great Word of God. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. Amen, amen. And so we’re going to read from the gospel, according to St. John, this morning, and I want to read perhaps a long passage, but it talks about Jesus serving. We’ll begin in chapter 13 at verse 1. Now, before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come, that he should depart from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world,
He loved them to the end. And supper being ended, the devil having entered, already put into the heart of Judas Iscariots, Simon’s son to betray him, Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that he had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside his garments, took a towel and girded himself. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with a towel with which he was girded. Then he came to Simon and Peter, and Peter said to him, Lord, are you washing my feet? Jesus answered and said to him, what I am doing, you do not understand now, but you will know after this. Peter said to him, you shall never wash my feet. And Jesus answered him, if I do not wash you,
you have no part with me. Simon Peter said to him, Lord, not my feet also, but also my hands and my head. And Jesus said to him, he who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean, but not all of you. For he knew who would betray him, therefore he said, you are not all clean. So when he washed their feet, took his garments and sat down again, he said to them, do you know what I have done to you? You call me teacher and Lord, and you say well for so I am. If I then your Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you are also to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is he who sent greater than him who sent him. If you do these things, blessed are you if you do them.
The Lord will add a blessing to the reading of his word, and to his name be the praise and glory, and that the reading of the word of God all the saved said, amen. I’m going to let you sit for this song. Am I on? Yes, no.
There’s nothing worse than a turned off preacher. I’m going to let you sit because I was talking to couple of little ladies before the service, and I think this is tooled for many of you to know, but it goes right along with my sermon this morning, so I’m going to sing it, and if you know it, sing along, and if you don’t come along.
I am happy in the service of the King. I am happy, oh so happy. I have peace and joy that nothing else can bring in the service of the King, in the service of the King. Every talent I will bring, I have peace and joy and blessing in the service of the King. I am happy in the service of the King. I am happy, oh so happy. Through the sunshine and the shadow I can sing, in the service of the King, in the service of the King. Every talent I will bring, I have peace and joy and blessing in the service.
Oh, I’m amazed. How many of you know this song? I thought it was too old, or maybe you’re as old as me. I am happy in the service of the King. I am happy, oh so happy. To his guiding hand, forever I will cling in the service of the King, in the service of the King. Every talent I will bring, I have peace and joy and blessing in the service of the King. I am happy in the service of the King.
I am happy, oh so happy, all that I possess to him I gladly bring. In the service of the King, in the service of the King. Every talent I will bring, I have peace and joy and blessing in the service of the King. You want to say amen to that this morning? I’m happy in the service of the King. I’m sure all of you, or most of you know this old hymn. I’m going to sing it with me. It’s about the servitude of Jesus. You’re singing very intensely this morning. I’m going to sing the chorus a couple of times because you’re worshiping and I don’t want to just be in a form. Sing it again. . . . I don’t know, I’m sure most of you attend this church all the time, but there are some tears here this morning and I want to tell you it’s alright to cry in a Pentecostal church. Just worship. Oh, to be like thee, oh to be like thee, blessed Redeemer, pure as thou art. Come in thy sweetness, come in thy fullness, stamp thine known image deep on my heart.
Oh, to be like thee, oh, hip claritt, loving for gee harmless, patient and brave, meekly enduring, cruel reproaches, willing to suffer, others to save, oh to be like thee. I want to say it again, if you want to stand up, but you’re just worshiping where you’re sitting and just keep doing that. This is intense. Oh, to be like thee, oh to be like thee, blessed Redeemer, pure as thou art. Come in thy sweetness, come in thy fullness, stamp thine own image deep on. You have to keep singing while you worship. Oh, to be like thee, oh to be like thee, blessed Redeemer. Come in thy sweetness, come in thy fullness, stamp thine known image deep on my heart. Do you sense God in this house? Is it just me? Just lift your hand if you do. Yeah, okay, I just like something’s happening here and this isn’t on the list. I’m sorry about that, but sometimes I stray. Say a few praise the Lords, stay in worship. Lift your hands, if you will. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I open my mouth.
With my mouth, will I make known your faithfulness. Blessed be your name, hallelujah. Hallelujah, that’s right, shout it out with Hallelujah Hallelujah, blessed be the name of the Lord Hallelujah, hallelujah With my mouth I will make known your faithfulness Hallelujah, Blessed be your name, blessed be your name Hallelujah, You do not yet know The things that God has in store for you They are good things They are great things They are blessed things You have no idea The love of the Father’s heart to be stole onto you Every good gift And you have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus
Therefore lift up your heart to the Lord Lift up your hands before the Lord He is great and He is compassionate And He is merciful and He gives and gives and gives again Blessed be the name of the Lord your God Hallelujah, Oh God’s in the house this morning, hallelujah Praise be the name of the Lord Hallelujah, hallelujah Bless your word unto our hearts And magnify your name And all God’s people said You may be seated if you don’t stop worshiping Isn’t it good to be in God’s house today? We are going to talk about the sacrament of service This thought came to me around Easter time Because we celebrate the foot washing of Jesus during that holy week And at that particular point
I had been asked to speak at the funeral of a man that John and I had learned to love and who was a servant indeed And thinking about service I couldn’t just stop with his message I had to sit down and write this out And if I read it this morning Because I’m just a little distracted these days But I intentionally Entitled my message using the word sacrament Now I know what we mean when we usually use this word The dictionary defines it as one of the Christian ceremonies Like Eucharist or the communion But I studied Latin for five years in high school I have no idea why, but I did And I found out something about sacramentum It simply means things that are holy And that deserve reverence It’s akin to our word sacred
Service people when it springs from love And is carried out in Jesus name Is something holy and something sacred Let me say that again Service when it springs from love And is carried out in Jesus name It becomes something holy Do you say amen to that this morning? As we contemplate Jesus’ act and admonition At the last supper It’s my desire to encourage all of us again today To continue serving with purpose Or if you haven’t been serving To enlist in this holy enterprise As we have sung today This simple song of testimony is the experience Of at least most of the Christians I know I am happy in the service of the King
I am happy, oh so happy I’m not judging I’m not complaining I’m not going for a martyr’s crown I’m happy in the service of the King I have peace and joy That nothing else can bring In the service of the King Serving is a blessing And Jesus said It was a greater blessing than receiving Now there are many references to King David In the Bible, in Scripture One that I call to mind today in our theme Is from a synagogue sermon That Paul preached The words are simple but their impact Is significant
It says in Acts 13 and 36 For David, after he had served His generation By the will of God Fell asleep The apostle did not mention here That he was a great songwriter But he was Or that he was a hero And that he was brave Well he was that and more Or that he suffered great personal struggles And injustice, although we know that to be true He did not mention the great fame That David won for Israel Not even that in humility He stored up supplies for a temple He would never build
Even as some almost overemphasize it In these days, he didn’t mention that David danced What Paul did mention was That he served He served his generation That is indeed a noble calling Jesus himself is the supreme example of this He says in Mark 10, 45 For the Son and the man did not come to be served But to serve And to give his life A ransom for many That’s the status of service I want to talk then about the success of service Jesus ultimately did not value success by statistics Or great accomplishments But by faithfulness Can I say that again?
Jesus ultimately did not value Success by great statistics Or great accomplishments But by faithfulness Not well done you smart enterprising Or skilled servant Instead, well done you good And faithful servant And again, whoever can be trusted in very little Can be trusted in much Those of you who have heard me preach before Know that I can start into the middle of a song In the middle of my sermon And it doesn’t mean that the message is over It just means I decided to sing I don’t know whether I’ll sing this or not But some of you will recognize the words right away In the harvest field now ripen
There’s a work for all to do Hark the voice of God is calling To the harvest calling you The voice you’re called to labor seems so small And little known It is great Say it is great It didn’t say it very loudly It is great It is great if God is in it And He will not forsake His own When the conflict here is ended And our work on earth is done He will say if we are faithful Welcome home My child, well done This is the success of service Little as much
When God is in it Labor not for wealth or fame There’s a crown And you can win it If you’ll go In Jesus’ name Little as much When God is in it Labor not for wealth or fame There’s a crown And you can win it If you’ll go In Jesus’ name And everybody said The assembly To which Joan and I have been apart for the last 20 years Has no janitor Despite the fact that it’s not a very small facility
A group of seniors meet weekly They tidy the stage They clean the toilets They sanitize the kitchen And the nursery and vacuum the sanctuary floor And seats And after they finish they pray over every seat in the sanctuary Two of them are deacons Some I don’t even know by name But God knows them And records their labor of love in heaven Hebrews tells us in chapter 6 and verse 10 For God is not unjust To forget your labor of love Many of them will never be publicly acclaimed But heaven takes notice Even if earth does not Do you say amen to that this morning?
Undoubtedly they will not be named It’s one of our national conventions But that’s not the big deal What the big deal is is their faithfulness Their commitment And their devotion to what we think is the small stuff God rewards that And his approval is the apex of success Whether anybody else notices or not I want to talk about the sacrament of service Service for and to God Is commended as worship in the scripture It’s commended as worship in this life Paul says Romans 12-1 from the new international version Therefore I urge you brothers in view of God’s mercy To offer yourselves as living sacrifices Holy and pleasing to God Which is your spiritual worship
Again in the life to come In the final chapter of Revelation Chapter 22 verse 3 one verse reads And his servants shall serve them Him Most others translate this phrase something like this His servants shall worship him But saints both on earth and in heaven Worship is service and service is worship Worship is not just lifting your hands And singing praise courses It’s dedicating your whole life and all your talents Onto the Lord Say amen this morning I want to encourage you that even though you’re not Publicly recognized God recognizes your servants And someday there will be a reward
He that sees in secret will reward you openly What makes service and worship sacramental Is that it is motivated and activated by love This loving service was demonstrated by Jesus Divesting himself of all of the bright clothes.That would have been worn for the Passover feast And taking a towel and a basin He performed the duties of a slave.
And in light of that he says two things to us today: If I then your Lord and Master have washed your feet. You ought also to wash one another’s feet Now in our churches we don’t generally wash feet But my wife and my mother pardon me was raised in a church That did and taught our family to do it And a few months ago we decided to have a foot washing service In our church in Brantford And I want to tell you it started out to be a one hour service And went out on for three hours. Heaven came down and glory filled our souls So if you do it in reverence it’s a thing to be done.
Sing it with me O to be like thee O to be like thee Blessed Redeemer Pure as thou art Come in thy sweetness Come in thy fullness Stamped I know an image Deep on my heart. Jesus’ command calls us to the sacrifice of service By emphasizing Why we do it? As he continued the message As he has already been noted This deed was not just in itself a sacrament What makes service shine Is that we love like he loved At that evening I don’t know whether you know this song It’s very popular in the charismatic movement I know the cukes will be able to sing it with me But because we love these songs out west.
But I want to come down there Maybe you won’t be able to hear me as well And I want to sing it to you It’s my life, it’s good And I love you with the love of the Lord Yes, I love you with the love of the Lord I can see in you the glory of my King And I love you with the love of the Lord Now maybe you don’t have the courage to value as a minister But if you’d like to look at something and you’re not married to And that’s what you’re saying Not that you don’t love the cool man Oh boy, that came out of all But if you just love to look at something and sing it It’s a yes, and I want to look at the sister of the front seat Because we’re family We’re family We’re family
We’re family We’re family We’re family I love you with the love of the Lord. I can see in you the glory of my King. And I love you with the love of the Lord. And I love you with the love of the Lord. Yes, I love you with the love of the Lord. I can see in you the glory of my King. And I love you with the love of the Lord. I love you with the love of the Lord. That’s why we serve. We serve because we love. And can we sing this song one more time? I know that I want to take a little time after we sing it to ask you something. But would you sing this with me? I will serve thee because I love thee. You have given life to me.
That’s beautiful. I was nothing before you found me. You have given life to me. Heartaches, broken pieces. Ruined lives are why you died on Calvary. Your touch is what I long for. You have given life. Some of you are lost in worship right now, say it again. Heartaches, broken pieces. Ruined lives are why you died on Calvary. Your touch was what I long for. You have given life to me. I want you all to close your eyes for a minute. When I was coming here, when I was preparing to come here, God whispered in my heart that I would be talking to at least one person and maybe more than one who has become discouraged in their service. I was to tell them that the Lord is watching, and it isn’t results that count. It’s faithfulness.
I was told to ask, while others are not watching, if you would just slip up your hand and say, I’m one of those people, but I’m going to pick up my cross and I’m going to serve the Lord with all my heart. Would you just slip up your hand? Thank you. Somebody else, just slip up your hand. Yes. Are there others? Is there somebody here and you say, Pastor, I haven’t really felt that what I can do is important because I’m not in the line lighting and people don’t know about it. But I’m willing to serve in whatever way the Lord asks me, not only this week to come, but in the time to come. Would you slip up your hand? Thank you. Just before we go, I want to tell you one more story. Many years ago, I was having a crusade in Saskatoon.
And the pastor told me a story. He said, every missionary that ever comes here wants to see Mrs. Black’s doc. And he said, they want to meet her, and I always have to take them to a sick bed. This woman was chronically ill. And she sent cards and messages of encouragement to every Pentecostal missionary, just to serve the Lord in that way. Encourage somebody this week. It’s a service. Lift somebody up that has fallen down. It’s a service. And do it as unto the Lord. Would you be seated just for a moment? And just before we go home, and I pronounce the benediction, this bow your heads, and I’ll sing this for you, and you think about what we talk about. How many sense a touch of God in this room? I can see that. Can I take five more minutes? I know we are supposed to be finished.
I’m a Shouter, but sometimes there is a holy hush and it is in this room right now. Blessed quietness, holy quietness. What assurance in my soul on the stormy sea? He speaks peace to me. How the billows cease to roll. Blessed quietness, holy quietness. What assurance in my soul on the stormy sea? He speaks peace to me. How the billows cease to roll. I think the first line is that the joys are flowing like a river. Joys are flowing like a river since the comforter has come. He abides with us forever, makes the trusting heart his home. Blessed quiet, holy, holy quiet. What assurance in my soul on the stormy sea? On the stormy sea, he speaks peace to me. How the billows cease to roll. You know what’s happening to you? You’re getting strength to serve this week.
I want you to stand with me and I’m really going to stop in a minute here. I’m just feeling the spirit so. This is an old Sunday school song and if you don’t know it, hum it. And if you remember the actions, do them. Why do I dance the ocean? High as the heavens above. Deep, deep as the deepest sea is my Savior’s love. I though so unworthy, still I’m the child of his care. For his word teaches me that his love reaches me every. Hallelujah. God you’re healing somebody right now. Hallelujah. Way down inside your healing. Hallelujah. And now may the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus. That great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect
in every good work to do his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his
sight and the blessing of God the Father almighty the son the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit be with you now and until Jesus comes.
Praise God.