I know it’s Christmas and I said this last week and I’m going to say it again.
It’s Christmas and I should be speaking about Christmas, but you could tell more about Christmas than I could. You know about Christmas. I’m very focused on what’s going on in the world today and I’m extra, extra concerned. And I’ll start by suggesting to you there’s a lot of misinformation out there. And that’s the new buzzword anyway among all the politicians and all of the whatever, whatever it’s all misinformation. And the ones who are telling you that are actually publishing misinformation. So it’s a merry-go-round and it’s a circus. So what I want to deal with this morning, is we have politicians, we have world leaders suggesting the following things. Israel has no right to be there whatsoever. And when they say from the river to the sea, they mean the annihilation of all of those people. They also mean though, and it’s on the campuses of universities, that they just assume that all the Jewish people entirely gas them, kill them off. And right now there’s really no safe place for a Jewish person on the planet.
We know that. And they’re fearful. They’re very troubled. They are being threatened, left, right and center. And quite frankly, even the top leaders who started off by saying, well, we’re going to defend Israel all the way, they’re getting kind of weak around the knees. One of the big challenges is does Israel has a right to even be on that land. And how much of that land should they occupy? There was a time when they occupied what’s known as Gaza, but they gave it, I forget the year, but they released it and they pulled out of Gaza altogether and told those people, you can have all of the Gaza for yourselves. It’s yours. You’re free to have it. And within a couple of weeks, they were storming onto buses and killing people and whatever. It’s never enough because they don’t believe that Israel has a right to exist. And they don’t believe that any of that land belongs to Israel whatsoever. So we have two problems with that concept.
Number one, those who say Israel has no right to exist as a nation on that property, they haven’t read this book. And so some would people say, I don’t trust that book. I don’t believe a word that it says. That’s fine. That doesn’t negate the book. The book is the book is the book. It’s God’s Word. The second thing that they’re ignoring is what happened historically. And that’s all within my lifetime. And that is that you know, well, going back well before my lifetime, but over the years, ever since Abraham was taken to that piece of real estate and God said, this is yours, it wasn’t all that long before some were coming in, like Alexander the Great and others. Over the centuries, Israel was devastated and had terrible atrocities forced upon them, and they were overpowered. The unique thing is, that they’re God’s people. And how come the Lord said, this is your land. And then the Lord allowed all of these things. There were warnings when you read the prophets, there were warnings, all of them.
Jeremiah wept, as he said, you got to get your life together. You’ve got to get your life together, you can’t go on like this. The Lord is not pleased. And if you don’t respond to Him and live according to his dictates, He’s going to let people come and give you trouble. They didn’t respond and they fell into into disrepute with the Lord. Many, many things went down. The last group to conquer Israel were the Muslims known as the Ottoman Empire. They were not kind when they came. You talk about atrocities, they wreaked havoc on, and on, and on, on the Jewish people, took over the land and they maintained that until the Second World War. At the end of the Second World War, the Ottoman Empire had been destroyed and the United Nations, to punish the Ottoman Empire for what they had done, carved up that empire and said, this country can have this part, this country can’t have that part. And they gave away what we know of as Palestine. So it was called the trans-Jordan. It was all that piece of real estate. They gave it to the British and said, you look after it, you work out a deal with the Jews and the Arabs, please.
And so they tried to work that out. The Arabs would not cooperate. And so finally the British said, we’ve had it. We can’t deal with this anymore. And so they said to the Israel, to the Jewish people, this is yours. This is yours. And you work it out with the Arabs. So in 1948, in May, Israel said, this land is ours. God promised it to us. And now the United Nations has given it to us. So they declared themselves a state. And within hours, the Arabs attacked them and it’s still going on even to this day. What’s really important now, is we all, we can go and read the history. What I just outlined for you, what happened in 1948, and so on. You can read that anywhere. You can Google it. You can read it. You can get into the, you can go back and read the newspaper headline. You can read the whole thing about Zionism. Zionism is not a bad word. Zionism is an ideology.
Israel deserves to exist. What I want to submit to you this morning is that the word of God tells us why the Jews believe that Israel, the land, is their land. So to begin with, I want to mention that it was Abraham who lived in Iraq at the time, in the Ur of the Chaldis. And the Lord God selected him. There wasn’t anything especially unique about him. It wasn’t like he had done things right. We don’t know why God chose Abraham. But we don’t know why God chose us. Right? What did I do to deserve your kindness and your love? What did I do to deserve to be able to call you my shepherd, the Lord, you are my shepherd. Hey Dave, how did that happen? I don’t know. He chose me. I didn’t choose him. So God selected Abraham. And not only did he say, I want you to follow me. He made promises.
He said, Abraham, if you’ll believe me. And if you’ll do as I say, I’m going to bless you beyond your comprehension. That was in Genesis 15. That was Genesis 12. Now we go on to Genesis 15. And I want to read this for you. So I beg your indulgence. After these things, the Word of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision. And this is what he said. Don’t be afraid, Abraham. I am your shield. You’re exceedingly great reward. But Abraham said, Lord God, what will you give me seeing I’m childless? Because God had promised him that he would bless him. He’d have children and grandchildren. He made huge promises but Abraham said, I’m childless. When does this get started? And the heir of my house is my servant, Eliezer of Damascus. He’s not even of my family. Then Abraham said, look, you’ve given me no children. No one has been born in my house to be my heir. And behold, the Word of the Lord came to Abraham. And this is what God said. This one shall not be your heir, meaning Ishmael, which turns out to be the Arabs. I’ve been through all that, haven’t I? Ishmael was the beginning of the Arab nations. They are not my chosen people.
Where does God get off saying that? He’s God. He owns the place. He owns the cattle on the thousand hills. You’re on pot. He made you. If He puts you on the shelf, that’s where He puts you. You can’t say, I don’t like it on the shelf. God chose Abraham and his children. So He says, the child that you’ve had with Hagar, that’s not my choice. Then he brought him outside, and He said, now look, look up into the heavens and count the stars. Are you able to number them? And He said to him, so shall your descendants be. And he believed in the Lord. And he accounted it to him for righteousness. Let’s pause right there. Was it taken to bring a smile to the Lord’s face? Believe. Just believe. God counted it unto him for righteousness. God took Abraham’s faith at that moment, and God looking into the future was saying, when Jesus dies for when your child will come, a descendant of Abraham, but the son of God, that salvation will be for you as well.
And so he trusted him and he accounted it to him for righteousness. And then He said to him, I am the Lord who brought you out of the valleys to give you this land, to inherit it. And he said, Lord God, how shall I know that I’m inheriting this land? So He said to him, bring me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtle dove, and a pigeon. I want to pause here now and say that what was about to transpire when the Lord said, bring these animals and set them before me, Abraham knew exactly what the Lord was planning to do. When two people, let’s say it was men, when two men decided to form a covenant, a promise, and they were determined to make it irrevocable, this is a promise we’re making each other and nothing, nothing will ever break this covenant. In order to make that kind of a covenant, they would take animals and they would split them in half, part of the carcass on the left, part of the carcass on the right, and then the two people who were covenanting with one another would walk between the parts. They would walk through a path of blood and they would make some kind of a statement to each other, what’s happened to these animals? I’m walking through their blood. What’s happened to these animals, if I fail to keep my side of the covenant, may what has happened to these animals happen to me?
Now that sounds gory. Why not just hire a lawyer and get him to seal it and register it with the county? That’s what happens when you buy a piece of property. They didn’t have all those kinds of things, and I wouldn’t doubt that they would invite some people to come and they would watch this. So they would say, I was there. Oh, I saw they made the promise. So the Lord says to Abram, bring the animals. He brought them to him and he cut them into, and he placed each piece opposite each other. So we made two lines of the beast’s cuttings. And when the vultures came down toward the carcasses, Abraham did the one thing he was supposed to do. He drove them away. The only thing that Abraham had to do was to keep the vultures from tangling with these carcasses. Here’s the interesting thing. I indicated that carcasses would be laid opposite each other, and the two people, the two men who were making a promise, a life and death promise were made to each other. They both would walk through.
But Abraham never walked through. His job was to make sure the vultures didn’t mess with it. Now it says in verse 12, that when the sun was going down, Abraham fell asleep. And behold, horror and great darkness fell upon him. And then God says to Abraham, know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in this land that is not theirs. So here’s the Lord making the covenant. Here’s the Lord establishing the promise between Him and Abraham. But he’s not asking Abraham to walk through. The Lord is the only one who walked through. He took the place of Abraham and himself, as Jesus took our place. He was there on behalf of God on the cross. He was there on behalf of us on the cross and his blood was shed. If we fail to keep the covenant, may our bodies be horribly hurt and devastated.
Jesus kept the covenant because we failed on our part. And so because we failed on our part, somebody had to die. May the one who fails in this be put to death. Jesus said I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly. So Jesus was the one you might say who walked through the path of blood. He acted on your behalf. He acted on mine. So this little story here in Genesis 15 is a foretaste. It’s a prophetic picture of what Jesus was going to do for you and for me. But in fact, at the moment it was exactly a covenant and a promise, God was making to the Jewish people. And God was saying, may this happen to me, my person be cut, my blood be spilled. Some would say, well, that’s a useless comment because God can’t die. The Lord was commenting. The Lord was uttering something. His word is more powerful than anything. Heaven and earth can pass away, but God’s promise will never fail. And so God’s promise to Israel will never fail. God never takes His promises back. Say amen. So when the sun was going down deep sleep fell and the Lord says, no, certainly. See Abraham said, what will you give me? God says, what would I give you? I’ll give you my word. Know this Abraham, that your descendants will be strangers in a land that’s not theirs. It ceased to be theirs because later on they were chased out.
Now the Arabs are saying, this is not yours. This is our land. They’ll be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and they will serve them. They’re going to end up in Egypt in a land that’s not theirs, and they will serve the Egyptians. And they will afflict them for 400 years. So God’s telling Abraham and advance, I’m giving you this land, but there’s going to be trouble coming in this land. In effect, the Lord doesn’t say specifically, who’s going to take care of this, but the brothers of Joseph sold them into slavery. Joseph ends up in Egypt, and because of a famine in the land, God has raised up Joseph to an incredible posture in Egypt. He becomes second only to the Pharaoh. He sent for his family after his brothers came for grain. You know that story. God is telling Abraham and Genesis 15. It’s going to happen. And he’s saying to him, and when Joseph’s family, Jacob’s family end up in G Egypt, they’ll be there exactly 400 times, 365 days. That’s prophecy. Do you know that Egypt is uncovering still more and more? Those who do diggings, you know, they go down and they dig up old towns and villages, and they find walls, they find structures. They’re still finding stuff that truly proves that the Israelites were there.
It’s an incredible story, and they’re finding so much more. And you’ve got to watch some of these geographic things and whatever, to discover this. But proof positive, yes, the Jews were there, and yes, they were slaves, but God delivered them through the Passover. And also the nation whom they serve, Egypt, I will judge. Afterward, your people will come out of there with great possessions. Remember, the Israelites said, well, can we borrow some of your pots and pans? And they gave them their three-ply stainless steel and a couple of iron frying pans to the women, in case the husbands got out of the line. When they left town, they left with a lot, folks. They will leave with great possessions. Now, as for you, you will go to your fathers in peace. You will be buried at a very old age, but in the fourth generation, they, your descendants, will return here in the promised land. Verse 17, and it came to pass when the sun went down, and it was dark.
Behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between the pieces. So before that fiery, before the fire, which was the Lord’s presence, went between the pieces, God made the promise. He said, this is what I’m promising you, and now I’m going to seal the covenant by passing through the passage, the passage of blood. On the same day, the Lord made a covenant with Abraham’s saying, a covenant to your descendants. I have given this land. From the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates, Israel’s not trying to claim all of that. Israel just says we want just this little postage there. There was something posted I saw this morning. Somebody showed all of that part of the world. Here’s Egypt. Here’s what the Arabs are controlling here. And here’s this tiny little pin drop amidst all of the land that the Arabs have got, but no room for the Palestinians. No room for these people who have had such a problem living in Gaza. The Egyptians don’t want them. The Jordanians don’t want them. Nobody wants them.
They’re not unlike the Jews. Nobody wants them, but everybody is willing to help the Arabs take over the land and drive the Jews into the sea. And so this is the promise that the Lord has made. I want to bring to your attention, therefore, some things about a covenant, the covenants that God made with Abraham.
Number one, don’t be fooled by Bible teachers. Don’t be fooled by people who say, let me tell you what it’s really all about. I know that God made some promises to Abraham. I have been in conferences where preachers said, Israel has lost its way and they no longer are, they are no longer candidates for the promises that God made to the Jews. He’s done with them. There’s a preacher that preaches that, not far from where you’re sitting right now. And I take issue with it. You know what God said, this is my promise and my promise is irrevocable. It better be irrevocable. We’ve got songs that say, when we’ve been there for 10,000 years, bright shining as the sun, all of a sudden the comes and God says, I’m lifting my promise. I change my mind. His promises are irrevocable and you need to know this. The promise is literal. The land that God gave him is not some spiritual concept. Well, I’ll give you lots. I don’t mean the real stuff. No, the promises, the covenant that God made with Abraham. In Genesis 15, it’s literal. I give you this land. What gives me the right to give the land? I gave you everything.
Number two, the promise is eternal. Eternal. Genesis 17 and 7, I will establish my covenant, my promise as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. It’s eternal. I have to throw this in quickly. Let this settle in now. Get a grip on it. This covenant that God made with Abraham and Genesis 15 is the bedrock. It is the foundation of the salvation that you and I are enjoying today. Genesis 15 is a promise not just to Abraham but to his descendants. Well, David, I’m not a Jew. No, you’re not. But the New Testament shows us that God is breaking down the wall between the Jew and the Gentile. When Jesus died on the cross, he died for everyone. Well, I thought the Jews were special. The Jews were special in this. That God was saying to Abraham, I’m going to bless the whole world through you. But from now until Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, you have a responsibility, O Jew, to keep my promise alive. It’s your responsibility to proclaim the day of the Lord. It’s your responsibility to proclaim as we see in Isaiah 53. You have a responsibility so that the people in the year 2023 will know, to keep this book. They’ve honored this book. They’ve protected this book. They’ve died for this book. And when I meet Jewish people, I meet them in the airports. When I fly overseas, I know the His city Jews. You know, by the fancy black hats and sometimes the curls in their hair and just well, just their appearance alone. I never let them sit in the same waiting room in an airport with me without going over to them. I don’t offer a shake of the hand. They’re scared to death of all of us because we’ve all said, we hate that. I go over to them and I’ll say, my name’s David. I recognize you as a son of Abraham, and I want you to know I love your people. I would die for your people. They will stand up and come and say, who are you? I will say to them, I am a protector of your book. You kept the Word of God alive, and that’s how I know that God is real. And when God promised to Abraham, I am now a receiver of all that God promised him because I, sir, although I’m not a Jew, the Word of God says, I’ve been grafted in. By God, the Holy Spirit, the cultivator. It’s an incredible thing. I’ve never tried. I think it’d be fun to do so.
But we have a tree at our little camp up at Brayside Camp. On apple tree, it has three kinds of apples on it. How did that happen? One tree started. Somebody who knew what they were doing made a little graze on part of the stock. And they took a branch from another apple tree, and they put it in. Then they took a branch from another tree, and they put it in. And now we have three kinds of apples growing on one tree. Israel was the original olive tree. You and I are called in the Word of God. We’re called wild olive branches. But the Lord chose this one specific olive tree. And so what he has done is he’s carefully removed your branch from the wild side, and he’s grafted you in. So now you are a recipient of Genesis 15. His promise to him was for eternity. You are now, the Word of God says, Paul says, I’m a Jew, but all you Gentiles, you are now my brothers. You are now part of it. And this is amazing grace. How sweet the sound. Genesis 15 is not just Abraham’s story. It’s your story. A promise to the Jews. Don’t you ever back away from your support of Israel? They are your lifeline, baby. They are God’s promised people.
The promise that God made, when God said, this is what I’m going to do. Watch this. He never in Genesis 15 says, if you, there’s a word, you know this one. If my people who are called by my name, you know that one, if my people who are called, if, if, if, the promise says, I’ll heal your land. He was talking to Israel even at that time. If you, my people, will hear my voice. Do you know when the book of Revelation, Jesus is standing at a door, He said, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If someone behind that door hears my voice and opens the door and welcomes me, I will come in. So many promises are conditional. So here’s the Lord saying to Abraham, I will do this. I will do that. And Abraham’s wondering, yeah, well, where’s the catch? Where’s that catch here? The good news? There was no catch. The promise to Abraham and his seed. And Paul says, we, Romans 6, we are sons of Abraham. God says, there are no ifs, there are no ands, and there are no buts. I made the promise. It was one-sided. Only God walked through the path of blood that night, the burning torts that passed between the broken animals. It was an unconditional promise.
So Jews do not have to do anything to experience the promise. So let’s just talk about this again. There are not just a few preachers. And this insidious concept, which is anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish, anti-Israel is getting into the pulpits where they’re saying, the Jews have failed. They failed to do what, preacher? Well, they failed to keep the promise. What promise did they make? Show me in Genesis 15 where Abraham had said anything. All he said was, God, can you give me some, can you give me some assurance? And the Lord said I will assure you. The Jewish people cannot lose their inheritance. They can’t lose it. Well, maybe they’ll lose it if they fail. They have failed miserably. Do you know why? I’ve read this and I’ve heard it repeated. If the Jews are the people who are the chosen people, if they are God’s people, why are they not serving Him today? You know, all through the Old Testament, the Lord said, if you don’t do this, I’ll have to do this to you. If you don’t do that, I’ll have to do this to you.
Please, believe me, people, don’t mess up. I’m asking you to repent. If my people, what you’re called by my name, well, humble themselves. Turn from their wicked ways. Seek my face and prayer. Then I will hear from heaven. So the Lord is saying to them, I want to bless you. I want to help you. Someone would say, there you go. There you go. Did they seek His face? Did they call upon Him? They failed. Ah-ha, there it is. They failed God. Okay. Here’s a silly little story. Okay, forgive me if it doesn’t work well. But if you listen to this little David, it might make sense. Mom says to Billy and Sally, now we’re having guests for supper tonight. And mommy’s got a lot of work to do. I got all this food to prepare. I got to prepare. And I wanted to be just perfect. I’ve got very special friends and you two have to mind today. Please, please don’t get under my feet. Please, please don’t get into a scrap. Please do as I tell you. And as the day goes on, the kids are not paying attention to that. And they get scrapping over whose toy is this. It had to be the girl. No, it had to be the boy who wanted the truck.
So anyway, they’re getting carrying on and she’s yelling to them from the kitchen. I warn you, settle down, settle down. Please don’t make me turn away from my meal. And so on about four o’clock and the guests are going to arrive about five-thirty. She’s had it. The kids are screaming, and calling up. She says I’ve had it. Get to your room. Persecution by mom. My mom, what about the dinner? I said, get to your room. So Mom has made a promise that they get to sit at the meal table tonight with the guests. But it came with a little bit of a provision. Did Mom cancel the promise about dinner? No, she’s persecuting them to try and get them to behave. Did God break his promise to Israel? No, he’s persecuting them to get them to behave. Why is God even allowing the Hamas to come in and rape women and carry on like animals? Because what’s happening now is that the Jewish people are calling out and saying,
God, where’s the Messiah? Do you know? Wait a minute. I know I’m getting off the path here. Here’s what I read in the last few hours of some 75,000 mosques. In that part of the world, 50,000 are empty and have been closed. The Muslims have had it up to here. There’s hardly anybody attending the mosques these days because it’s not kind. It’s not generous. For God so loved the world, not Allah, God so loved the world that he gave. When the supper hour comes, the kids can hear the guests coming in the door. They’re thinking, but Mom promised, surely our behavior did not war that we don’t get dinner. And then they hear a lovely call. Okay, you two, come on down. Our guests are here. God has not withdrawn his promise, but he is persecuting them. Why do I read? Why is there such a small margin of Jewish people today serving the Lord God in a true deep way? And here’s the answer. Where was he when the Germans grew, when the Germans corrouted to God together? Six million of us. Where was God? Where are the promised people? Where are the chosen people? He let us down. Why would I serve Him? Well, when you go back in Jewish history, you’ll see them in Babylon, says they hung their violins up in the trees. Sing us a nice song of Zion. They said, how can we sing our songs about Zion when we’re out here in this parts place? God has given us up. We’re supposed to be people of the promised land. Look what God’s allowed to happen. Jeremiah, if he could arise from the dead, say I told you, I told you if you didn’t behave, you’d be sent to your room. I asked, is the promise gone? No, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves one more time and be loved, they’re going to do it. They’re going to humble themselves. They’re going to turn to pray. And Jesus is going to reveal himself to them in a glorious fashion. There’s going to be a revival of church ministry like you can’t believe. The bottom line and the sad side of that, I’m sorry, you don’t get to attend that movie because I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. And you probably don’t believe that. You’re going to because I’m going to lay it out for you in the Word of God.
That’s for another day. We’re not going to go through the tribulation. And the moment the church has taken up, I heard a Newfoundland preacher years ago as a Bible school student. I’ll never forget this big robust fellow preaching in the double-inster church in downtown Peterborough. And he started preaching on the on the second coming. He started preaching on the rapture of the church of Jesus. He said I know what’s going on. I know what’s going on. Like only a noofie could do. This guy was good. He said God has put some kind of a little metal plate in everybody’s head. Who’s a Christian? I thought, well, that’s ripe. And he said, he said, up in heaven, he said, is the biggest electric magnet that you can imagine. He said, there’s an angel up there ready to pull the handle. And the angel keeps looking out at the father. And the father says not yet. Sweat is breaking out on that angel’s face. And he wants to pull the lever. He wants to pull the lever. And all of a sudden the father says, it’s time. And that angel pulls the lever. And he said, suddenly the graves will empty.
And we are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. Where’s Moses? Moses’ body is buried somewhere out in the sandy deserts of who knows where. And all of the rest of them, all of the rest of them, where are they? Watch this. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the dead shall be raised. Who are the dead? Moses, Abraham, all of these. It says they go first. What does that mean? God’s going to honor Abraham and all of his descendants. God’s going to honor all of these. And I get that from the Book of Hebrews. I’m going to finish almost. In the book of Hebrews chapter 11, it talks about all of the things that people experienced. It says, by faith, by faith, Mary and Put, a baby Moses in the river, by faith, by faith, they were sawn a sundry. They were boiled alive. They were beheaded by faith. It says, these all died, not yet having received the promise. What’s the promise? It’s eternal. The covenant is eternal. You’re always my people. But Lord, if I’m, if I’m ashes, if I’m dust in a box, where’s the promise? The resurrection of the saints of God.
The promise is eternal. You don’t like it when I get excited, do you? Somebody say, amen. I’m good till four o’clock. Those of you on the internet, could you, can you say amen out there? Bill Richards, I know you’re suffering right now. I know you’re going through a difficult time. I just got word from your family that you’re troubled right now. You got to go and see a doctor. Be encouraged, Bill Richards. We miss you here incredibly. But no, Jesus loves you. I have an idea. You’re watching me right now. Look me in the eye. Listen to me, Bill. Jesus loves you and we’re praying for you. God is going to work something for you. And little mama’s sitting right here and she’s glowing like an angel on the top of a Christmas tree. God bless you, mama. I know you’re concerned. I just got word. Bill has got some challenges. But Jesus is all about challenge. And he’s got an answer. Hallelujah. Praise God. Would you like to stand with me? I really could go on and on yet. I really could. But I’m not going to do it.
A missionary told me some years ago in Kenya that he hired a local fella to come in and paint this new partition he built on the missionary house. And he said to this fellow, they tell me you can paint. He said, yes, sir, I can paint. So, well, there’s the paint. He said you have your tools? I have my own tools. He said, okay, well, you go ahead and I’m going to leave you. I’ve got some ministry work to do today. You paint while I’m gone. And so the missionary left and he came home a little earlier. He’s only gone for an hour. He had a reason to come back. And he found this fine fellow in there with the paintbrush. It’s about this wide. And he’s painting. He’s painting the wall. And he watched him from me. Is that all the tools you have? Yes, sir. Wait here. So, my friend Harold went out to the garage and brought in a paint roller and a pan. Pour the paint into the pan, take the roller, and you know how it goes. And the African fella standing there his eyes are big. And he says, well, I’ve never seen anything like that. He said, well, I’ll leave the roller for you. And you just go ahead. We came back at the end of the day. And there’s the painter with his little brush going down like this. He said, hey, hey, where’s the roller? What did you do? Oh, he says, I thought it wasn’t wise to use that. He said, why? He said, if I do that, sir, you won’t need me tomorrow.
I’m not going to give the rest of the message. It’s reserved for another Sunday. So I have something for tomorrow. Let’s bow our heads. Grace’s father, the grand scheme of salvation is so incredible, so glorious beyond our understanding. But even when we go back to the book of Genesis, within the first three chapters of Genesis, salvation, and redemption is already promised because the Lord knew in advance that we were failed people. Thank you for Genesis 15, the promise to Abraham.
And then the sharing with Abraham, difficult times will come, but I will bring your people back to this land. And Lord, I thank you that we can read in the book that we are partakers of the same. And Lord Jesus, we pause at this moment to thank you for the night that you lifted a cup before your disciples. And you said this is my new covenant for you. This cup is my bloodshed for you. Lord Jesus, that was the glorious peak. That was the apex moment when the redemptive plan promised to Abraham was coming to fruition for within hours Jesus walked the road to Gethsemane. He paid the supreme price to seal the deal. And now we are the recipients of such a glorious, glorious promise. And thank you, Lord, it’s an unconditional promise. Thank you, Lord, that it’s eternal. Thank you, Lord, that it’s literal. Heaven is literal.
The resurrection of the saints is literal. The soon coming of Jesus, the rapture of the church, it’s literal. It’s about to come. We’re about to embark on a glorious journey when the dead and Christ shall rise. And then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air, there to be with the Lord forever. Thank you for the promises of God, irrevocable and glorious. The dimensions are immeasurable. Thank you, Lord God, for who you are and who you are now stating we are. Sons of God, heirs, and joint heirs. Thank you, Jesus. And everyone said, so good to see you. Do go on to houseofhealings.ca and sign up.