Is that an unsettling statement? It’s a biblical one. And I’ll share with you my thoughts in just a moment. I want to set the stage in terms of Christianity in the midst of a transient culture. What used to be acceptable is now considered racist. What used to be acceptable is frowned upon.
What used to be oddly immoral and pathetic to the general population is now celebrated as it’s normal, get over it. Cancel culture. It’s something that happens in social media, texting, tick-tocking, racebooking. An individual in cancel culture acts or speaks in a way that is unacceptable to some. And therefore that person because they said or their demeanor indicated that they disagreed with a certain fashion, disagreed with a certain function of society, that person is canceled, they’re ostracized, they’re boycotted, Israel’s being boycotted by industries all over the world because Israel is not a nice people.
And that whole mess on the other side of the world, I’m about to say something I could get canceled over. It’s not about that strip of property over there, it’s all about this. We hate the Jews and we want them all dead. I come against that and I’m now canceled because I come against that thought. People who are canceled get shunned, they lose their jobs, they get assaulted, and those things are acceptable to do toward them because they need to be canceled. There are people who are in Hollywood who have discovered Jesus and are boldly proclaiming the same. They can’t get an acting job. People who are wonderfully talented and celebrated in sports, take a knee for Jesus and they lose their opportunity to participate in sports. A young lady who was a champion swimmer was put up against a man who acted or portrayed himself as a woman because she said that guy should be a swimmer but he should participate against those of his own gender.
She’s been canceled because she’s not allowed to have her thoughts. This is now normal. If you’re a Republican United States, you get canceled because you’re a part of the wrong party. If you believe in pro-life, you’re ostracized, and you might be hated. If you operate on the Supreme Court of the United States and you stand for conservatism, you’re going to get canceled. That’s the new normal. Woke. Woke happens to people who become alert, who become aware of the injustice, the horrendous things that we white people have done to people who don’t share the same color. I suddenly awoke.
I’m aware. And if you disagree with wokeism, you’re canceled. It’s against racial injustice. These things all actually mesh together. They come out of the same soup bowl. There’s a critical race theory. I tried to mention it last week. I can never remember those three words. It shouldn’t be hard, but my old brain is getting kind of weak and tired. Critical race theory suggests this. And I’m giving it a definition after reading endlessly about what it represents. Critical race theory is not a theory. It’s what they absolutely believe.
That if you’re sitting in this room this morning and your skin color is white, you’re the reason why our whole society is turned upside down. You are the problem because you see, it was your ancestors who came to this country and created a structure of government and justice. And you see, you created it in such a fashion that it would be nice for the white people, but not so good for the non-whites. So critical race theory is making its way into the classrooms and little white children are being shamed because your mother and father and your ancestors were bad people. Little children, little children are being hammered with this stuff. And then finally, and I can’t get my head wrapped around there.
I don’t understand this, but somebody smarter than us has decided that the whole concept of race, it’s just not natural. Now with that backdrop that has just made you all excited and you’ll want to order another latte at Starbucks as a result, you’re just so excited. I know you’re just so excited. But against that backdrop, Christianity is only for the stupid. They honestly believe the same. I want to just look at one particular verse for a moment with you and reflect on it this morning. It’s 1 Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 18.
And I’ve put some scriptures out here for you out of different translations. So 1 Corinthians 1, 18, out of the Holman-Christian standard Bible, very old, trustworthy Bible. It translates this. Now you know that verse out of the King James. So I don’t have to quote it there. I’m going to quote these out of these other translations. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it’s God’s power to us who are being saved. The American standard version does it just a little differently. For the word of the cross is to them that perish foolish. But unto us who are saved, it’s the power of God. The Aramaic Bible in plain English. The message of the crucifixion is insanity to those who are lost. But to those of us who have life, it’s the power of God.
And then in the contemporary English version, the message about the cross doesn’t make any sense to the lost people. But for those of us who are being saved, it’s God’s power at work. I just, this is just a little side note that we will deal with on another occasion. But in several occasions, having just read this, the wording is not it’s God’s power to us who are saved, but it’s rendered it’s the power of God. The preaching of the cross is the power of God to those of us who are being saved. Those of you who were here last week, heard me talk about justification and sanctification. Justification is a result of Golgotha, where I was declared justified as though I had never sinned.
I was no longer guilty. The slate has been wiped clean and the slate has been tossed away. The record of my sin has been burned and it’s totally lost. But within my nature, there’s still a proneness to fail, a proneness to do that which is wrong. In fact, the Apostle Paul said, it’s far easier for me to do what’s wrong than it is to do what’s right. I struggle to do that which is right. Therefore, you see, sanctification is the process whereby the preaching of the cross, which is a humongous, gigantic topic, the preaching of the cross is it’s all about self-denial. Jesus said, if anybody wants to follow me, we want to follow him, you must deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me. So you see, the taking of the cross is the follow through from becoming being declared justified. Now sanctification is the means why, bear, whereby through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, you become very much like and akin to what justification has declared you to be. Justification says you’re righteous. You’re a son of God. You’re an heir and a joint heir.
You’re on your way to heaven. But you know the reality from the time you wake up till the time you go to bed, there’s nothing angelic and you need some new special batteries. Maybe something can come up from the EV car people who are manufacturing these batteries. I need a battery that doesn’t die quite so often. I need something that keeps me going. By the way, people are getting sick of their EV cars and you know what? They’re dumping them like cray- that was news.
The big, big, big news this morning. People are done with it. I guess they’re woke. They finally, woke up. You can’t run your car on sea batteries, three A’s, two A’s. Ain’t gonna bless Mama. I think down the road, we’re going to see these ginormous sun panels on the roof, you know, solar panels. When you’re driving your driveway, it’ll team rain like crazy. And there won’t be a drop of water anywhere near your car because the solar panel’s bigger than your car. But you can go an extra three miles. Hello? We’re living in a nutty world that has no use for our sense of the rain. If they had been able to look in here a few moments ago when we were winding and carrying on, that’s what they would have seen. That’s what they would have thought they were looking at. Look at those pathetic people.
What’s wrong with them? Lifting up their hands. What’s that all about? To them, that’s foolishness. But let them go to a Tigercat game. Well, I don’t know how the Tigercats are doing, so that’s probably a bad choice. Okay, the Maple Leafs. That’s probably not a well, how about the Bluejay? Forget about it. They get to any kind of game and what have you. And in fact, calf right through the game, there’ll be a whole section. If you’ve ever been to a baseball game, a whole section of the stands will lift their hands like this, like a thousand people. And then it goes all around the stadium. And so it’s interesting to watch. It’s this wave. And they’re all of it. So they stand up, lift their hands, and sit down. And you watch. And
thousands of people go all around. That’s normal. You’re a nutcase. And when you stood up, you forgot you had a big jug of beer in your hand. And you just baptized the Presbyterian beside you. He didn’t mind. He believes in being sprinkled.
That’s okay. But you’re a foolish person when you say, I acknowledge you. I worship you. I love you, O Lord. They cannot handle that. That’s foolishness. You see, if they can’t take it and look under it and beyond it and around it, if it doesn’t make, if they can’t put it in their laboratory and prove it, they can accept it. That’s the absence of that knowledge of faith. If I could do all that about God, turn him inside out, upside down, look it all over, and say, okay, I just proved it. I don’t need faith. You don’t need faith. You don’t need faith for your next chicken dinner if you’ve got $10,000 in your savings account. You don’t need faith. You don’t need faith if you’re totally healthy. You don’t need faith for divine healing. It’s foolishness to them because it can’t be proven in a laboratory. It can’t show up in a test tube, so it’s just unacceptable.
So the Apostle Paul is talking so long ago in the book of Corinthians, and he’s saying that the preaching of the cross, the summation of all Christianity, see, he didn’t say Christianity is foolishness. He says the preaching of the cross. I’ve translated it into all of Christianity, whose foundation is the cross. It’s all ludicrous. It’s all insanity. But at that time, they weren’t dealing with atheism like we are today. You know, the Romans, they weren’t atheists. They had lots of gods. They had all kinds of gods. And then Caesar stood up one day and put this fancy little, you know, the thing the ladies hang up when you walk under that Christmas, you have to kiss somebody. He put that. . . He put a little ring around. . . And declared himself as God.
Remember the three Hebrew boys. There was no atheism back there. They had gods and gods and gods. But the king declared himself to be a god. So we’re now living at a time where there’s a denial of God. And what brought that about? Well, education, the science lab, the kind of lab that we think about, about Wuhan. Wuhan comes out with brand new creations and makes you sick,
like a hound dog that had too much hamburger for lunch. Like science, labs come up with all kinds of things. And all kinds of ideas that the scientists tell us, it’s porous. They change their mind every few years. It used to be global warming, maybe not. Do you know what the problem was back so around the 1960s, it wasn’t global warming?
The temperatures are getting cold. We’re all going to freeze to death. And then it was global warming. Well, the gourmet. . . Now, it feels like warming today. For the last two days, I’ve been thinking, maybe global warming is a good idea. Maybe that’s what’s going on, sweltering, sweating like a racehorse. But global warming is not the password now because now it’s climate change. And the environmentalists are now holding us hostage. You know, environmentalism is the new international god. People are all worshipping at that shrine. But in Paul’s day, you see, it wasn’t any of these things. He said the preaching of the cross is foolishness. And to the people of society today, they say, what cross? Well, you know that little thing you can buy down the jewelry store and hang around your neck. Or you can get a tattooed on your elbow or somewhere else we can’t see. Thank goodness.
People wear the cross. They have no idea what it’s all about, but it looks good. And you see, wearing the cross, it’s kind of like in vogue. But they have no idea what the cross represents. But in Paul’s day, when he said, the preaching of the cross, nobody looked at him and said, what did he say? Because the cross was everywhere. It was a very ugly source of capital punishment devised by the Romans. It was not a Jewish form of punishment. When Jesus was put on the cross, it was the Pharisees, the Jewish religious leaders who demanded he be killed. And what was their cry? Their cry was capital punishment. And in what form? He could have been stoned or could have been, no, no, no. We want him crucified. We want him to experience the most painful, critical death.
And you see, crucifixion was reserved for the worst of the worst of the worst. Child molesters, people who were guilty of rape, people who were guilty of killing one another. They deserved to die. And so it was that the Romans came up with crucifixion. And then along comes these Christians who say, we believe in Jesus because he died on the cross. The cross was reserved for the worst of the worst. And here they were worshipping somebody who died that kind of death. And so to society, even at that time, they said, look, tell me about a son of God. Tell me about a God that makes it rain. Tell me, no, no, no. Don’t tell me that you worship somebody who was so degraded and so pathetic he died on the cross. So you see, to them, to the world, preaching about the cross, the cross is the answer to our dilemma. The cross is the bridge to our Heavenly Father. And we all have to take up our cross. No, the cross, you see, was a denunciation. It was a condemnation.
It was a curse. Curse it is every one that hung up on a tree. And you must take up your cross. Don’t tell me that, man. I want nothing to do with that. But it’s still appropriate for today because although culture has changed and history’s gone through all kinds of upheavals, the cross remains the cross. It’s still appropriate. The thing that occurred to me as I thought all this through as best I might, was the foolishness of offering something to God that would be deemed in some mind to be appropriate. I went back to the first little family who emerged from the Garden of Eden.
Cain and Abel. Cain was a farmer. He tilled the ground. And he was doing so because his father and mother were told to do so. Go back and read it by the sweaty brow. Where would you sweat? In the field, you’ve got to fight the weeds. If you don’t know what weeds are about, come and see Dave’s vegetable garden. I hope the vegetables survive. I don’t understand this. It doesn’t have to rain and the weeds grow like crazy. Two days without rain and my vegetables start to wilt. The weeds do ever so well. I think we should start eating the weeds. But he was a farmer. And so you could say it was a natural thing for him to present this to God. Think about this now.
Both Cain and Abel, now we have no record of God speaking to Adam and Eve after they were rejected from the Garden. You never see anything more. So God was not teaching them in some kind of a unique way that we could identify with. We just know that as they walked with him in the Garden from that original day, they knew him. So they didn’t necessarily need more teaching thereafter. They knew him. They could tell. This is going to sound crude, and rude. Adam could tell you what God’s breath smelled like because God breathed in his nostrils the breath of life. And suddenly he awoke a living soul. So go out of this Garden, till the ground, and make it work. So in Cain’s mind, he was doing exactly what he was told to do. The Lord did not say, go out and be shepherds and raise sheep.
But there was something natural in Abel’s mind and his little universe that raising sheep was a good idea. And of course, they would use the wool for practical purposes. And when the creature finally died or if they butchered it, its hide would be useful, of course. The wineskin for the wine, the new wine skin. Jesus talked about it. We’re going to get the wineskin from the sheep. And so it was a natural thing, at least in Abel’s mind, that he would prepare things for the shepherd. But there could have been a debate between the two. The one could have said, God said, raise vegetables and produce good fruit on the tree.
He didn’t say y’all to raise the flock. Well, I want to do that. But you’re not doing exactly what God said. They could have had that kind of argument. We don’t know. But when it came time for them to worship God, you have to wonder, where did they get that idea? Because that’s not in the book of Genesis in the first couple of chapters. Worshipping God was not essential. They knew God and they walked with God. But now this is a new time when we’ve got to learn how to acknowledge God and the way to acknowledge Him in that very first family was to offer Him a sacrifice because Adam and Eve knew about sacrifice. After all, an animal was sacrificed to cover up their sin. God made them clothing. An animal died because of that. So Abel brought a lamb. And Cain thought a lamb being bloodied, its throws cut, and being burnt on an offering was foolishness.
I’m just seeing that. It doesn’t say so. But to me, it’s obvious. That’s foolish. I’m just going to offer God some peaches and a couple of nice grapes from the Napa Valley of California. And I think God will be pleased. No, I think that I need to do a blood sacrifice. So there we have a battle going on. Between these two fellows, one did it right, the other one did it wrongly because God rejected the offering of Cain and He accepted the offering of Abel. It was a learning process that seemed ludicrous and foolishness to Cain was God’s order of business because God was looking forward to the time when a lamb would be slain for your sin and mine. It was foolishness in the minds of Cain, the farmer, and its foolishness even to this day. The truth of the cross, think about it, it’s a litany of contradictions. It’s foolishness to the world, the whole idea of the cross. And the cross, not just two pieces of wood nailed together, the cross as a principle, as a divine plan. And it’s all encompassing.
It’s far more than someone being nailed on a cross. It’s got to do with surrender and submission in its entirety. Doesn’t make sense to the person who’s going to create another computer and make billions of dollars. Who wants to be bothered with this? Because in essence, everything about the cross, Christianity, is the reverse of what we think of as reasonable. Divine truth, by the way. Divine truth is not to be because it’s an awkward thing to try and describe it. Try and talk to an unregenerate. Try and talk to a person who has no concept of God. They’ve never been to Sunday school. This is the thing back in the 1970s when I was working with Stuart Mulligan Hamilton. We could go door to door, knock on the door, mama would open the door and a Saturday morning, I’d say, my name’s Dave Forrest, I’m from the Bethel Church. We have a bus passing hoo through here tomorrow morning.
Would you get your little gal, your little fellow all shined up? We’ll pick them up. We’ll feed him breakfast on the way and he’ll attend our Sunday school. Nine times out of ten, they said, sure, and little Mary, a little John was writing. We soon were running, I don’t know how many people were in Sunday school, something like a thousand. And the church is all over the place. We’re running Sunday school, Sunday school. So then you had a generation in actually in the 1980s and the 1990s, you had a generation that had some concept of God. They knew who Paul was. They knew what Genesis was. They heard about noses when they came to the Sunday school. So you had a, you didn’t have a post-Christianity time. You were in the midst of it. But that’s gone. The Sunday school has been canceled, which I think was a huge mistake because now, we have little children going to the school down the street here and the likelihood of them knowing anything about the gospel is negligible.
So when you talk to them about Jesus dying on the cross, they look at you sideways. They don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve heard some amazing stories recently when somebody said, what do you know about Christianity? They just shrugged their shoulders. They haven’t got the foggiest idea. So trying to communicate to them about the contradictions of Christianity, it’s just, it’s beyond them. But divine truth cannot be properly reasoned out. Divine truth has to be a step of faith back to the bottle, turning its side, upside down. Once you really, really know it, then you can accept it. No, it’s, it’s a step of faith. And I could tell you some stories about people that I knew who wanted to discover God, through reason. And finally, we had them convinced it’s got to be a step of faith. And suddenly the lights went on and they said, thank God.
And divine truth cannot be defended with reason. Because everything about the Bible is opposite to the natural man. The gospel is not perceived by academic reasoning. It’s got to be approached by faith. That’s the opposite of everything. And in fact, now reasons are being tossed out of the window in our universities, and you know this, the students who go to university, we don’t care what you think. We’re going to tell you what you’re going to think. And if you don’t write on the exam, what I told you today, I’ll give you a failing mark. I don’t want to hear that you don’t believe it. From today going forward, you believe this and you will write on that exam, what I told you to. And if you fail to do so, you’re going to get canceled. Reason can’t be proven in a science lab. It’s not going to work. It’s only by faith. The Christian understands that in Christ, I’ve died. In Christ, I die. But I’ve never been more alive. That’s a contradiction. I tried to teach my youngest daughter. We went for a die. I had to speak at a church up in Stratford. And I said you want to go with your dad for a ride? I’ll never forget. I had a recording in my car, in my van, whatever it was. And The song was, enter in, enter in. And it meant entering into death. Walk straight into it.
Walk into the jaws of death and experience His majesty and glory. Because in order to be saved, in order to be whitt-wondness with God, you have to leave the old life behind. You got to step into Him. That’s what water baptism is all about. It’s a demonstration. I left the old and I’m stepping into the new. What is the new? It’s past the veil of death. Makes no sense. I’m a nerfling. I live here. I live from vegetables and a real chicken doesn’t have feathers in a beak. A real chicken is sitting in a nice little, this is April, a chicken. Well, let’s talk about salmon. Salmon comes in a little tin. And somebody’s socked it in the eye to capture it. So it’s called the sockeye.
It’s in a little can. You put an opener thing on it and you open it up and it’s beautiful salmon. I will go to the butchering part of the store and I’ll buy a nice big salmon. That’s not salmon. It’s not in a tin. Do you remember the old commercials? It looks like butter. It tastes like butter. It must be butter. No, it’s margarine. And then to protect the dairy farmers, do people remember this?
The bag and inside the contents for white. The farmers got the government to make a rule. Margarine has to be white. But inside that, I’m old. You never heard of this. Inside the bag was this little red thing and you didn’t take it out. You had to grab ahold of the bag or the parcel that the white margarine had and you pinched it and this red dye came out and you squeeze it and squeeze it. And when it was all done, it looked like butter and that was okay. Tastes like butter. It looks like butter. Fake. I think I heard on the US channel yesterday that they’re going to start feeding the army no more meat because the environmentalists say meat. I don’t understand. Do you know what flatulence is? The cows have a habit like your husband. And it’s ruining the planet. Kill the cows.
If they ever discuss that a chicken passes wind, Colonel Saunders will be out of business. It’s ludicrous, but that’s normal. But the preaching on the cross, that’s foolishness. The world’s going upside down and backward. The Islamic people of Hamas can rape women and that’s okay, but kill the Jews anyway. And in our own country, Islamic people are saying out loud everywhere in the streets, I guess in Toronto on a truck with a megaphone. I don’t know the exact wording, so I’m not going to say it, but it’s all about getting rid of the Jewish people and exterminating them.
But then a Christian outfit called, doesn’t matter the name of the news outfit, they had a thing on there and they said through the blasting and saying, Hamas is not a good thing and we’re not supporting Hamas. The guys who were having the truck talking down with Hamas, they’re arrested. The people are saying kill all the Jews, they’re getting ice cream cones and snicker bars. It’s backward. I’m an earling, but my residence is in heaven. I have a home there and we sang about it earlier. I’m here, I’m in the natural, I look like butter, but I’m marching with a little coloring. I’m an earling, but my home is in heaven and the next, what’s this? The next great event in my life will be when I take my last breath. Hello? That’s the next great event I’m anticipating. I’m anticipating it because my last breath here gives way to my first breath in my heavenly home. I’m a transient. I’m a transient. I’m living in the streets of the world and right now in this world, I’m a fish out of water. I feel so uncomfortable when I get to a street crossing and I have to walk across and somehow, somehow a rainbow and it doesn’t seem to be the same one I’m reading out of Noah, it’s painted on the street and I have to walk on and as I’m walking on it, I’m accepting and I’m celebrating it and they have a whole month to themselves to celebrate. I don’t want to get arrested because I’ll not get woke, I’ll not get canceled. I won’t just be disbarred, they’ll throw me in prison for speaking my mind, but it’s all upside down and it’s backward, but I’m a fool for believing in Jesus. It doesn’t make sense.
I lost my life and now I’m saved. To be victorious, I’ve got to lay down the weapons of my warfare and lift holy hands without wrath or doubt, leaving the enemy to the Lord. I spoke last week about David realizing the enemy’s hordes. He was outnumbered, who knows how many to one? And so he called in his generals and he said, I want my soldiers numbered and God was upset and said, I’m your defender, not your swords and not your clever ways and it’s the same for you and I. The weapons of our warfare are not natural. They’re supernatural. Doesn’t make sense to the unbeliever. The preaching of this concept of surrendering all to him makes no sense whatsoever. And in the face of my mortal enemy to be equipped for battle, my hands have to be emptied and lifted up. In the story of Israel fighting against the Amalekites, they were winning as long as their leader’s hands were uplifted, empty hands. He wasn’t holding a sword and his brothers had to come and help him keep up his hands in the air. The world, when you say that’s stupidity, no, it’s a beautiful picture. As long as the leader was saying, unto you, O Lord, we praise and we honor you, their army won the battle. I’m the strongest when I acknowledge my weakness. It’s not a sissy thing to say I feel weak today. It’s not a sissy thing. It’s not a loss of anything when you say I feel weakened today. That’s the day that God will strengthen you. It’s all about transparency before God. And don’t you swallow this stuff?
You have to lie to God to appease him. You got a little sniffle? Oh yeah, just a little hay fever, I guess. You’re not getting a cold. No, I’m fine. Fizz of fiddles. What’s that rash all over your neck? Look into the man. I don’t see a rash. Not only have you got a rash problem, you got an eye problem.
Do we deny the truth to appease God? You have to be careful how you talk to God. No, no, no, no, no. Be acknowledged before God and confess your challenges. Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. Think about that story. Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. I’m in trouble here. Oh, what’s your problem? Oh, nothing. I’m fine. Hello? Transparency before God. Do you know how many lies that mob in Ottawa are being found out? Like, it’s every day and every day lying is in. And as a Canadian citizen, you can just follow in their footsteps I get. Like, are they, are they, are they feeling strange that the people of Canada are lying and they’re stealing and they’re carrying on? We’re following our leaders.
Hello? You’re not saying too many a-mans. I think I’m disturbing you today. For those of you on the internet, I didn’t even get a rise then. Who has a heartbeat? One? Peter, you came all the way from some little town out here. Don’t give up on me now. Front seat. I love you. And he raised his hand.
Do you love Jesus? You and I, we’re brothers, brother. I’m going to put you in my will. I know I’ve been cleansed from the guilt of my past, but I’m painfully aware that my flesh is my enemy and I’ve got to push down my enemy, the flag. Paul said I have to die daily. He meant the cross. That’s foolishness to these people. I love supremely one I’ve never seen. When I talk, I talk to people, I say, let me tell you about Jesus.
How do you know him? I spoke to him this morning. You what? I talk to him all the time. I’m befriending a young fellow. If you go and you eat at pennies, if you eat at pennies, this little restaurant, I’m supporting them. If we don’t support them, we’ve got nobody to blame but ourselves for not, we just tell them, we have a restaurant. Hello? You don’t have to go to St. Catherine’s right here. And they have this guy. He’s like a, he’s like a stepladder, tall, handsome young guy. And I told him all about another tall, handsome guy, the same coloring. I said you got to meet my buddy Lucas. And this fellow serves us and I’ve, and I’ve been telling him we’re Christians. We’re serving Jesus. He’s intrigued. He’s intrigued.
And so we need to be able to share our faith, our faith in the one that we’ve never met, but he’s more real than anything I know today. On my own, I amount to nothing. And yet I’m the apple of his eye. I’m hopelessly pessimistic when I’m looking at the world right now. My government is there to provide for my safety and provide for me through my taxes, but I’m hopelessly optimistic because this is not my home. The world’s letting us down. Our governments are hopelessly letting us down. Don’t put your faith in them. Put your faith in the master. And they won’t understand you. They have no use for the concepts that we are enthralled about. We serve Jesus and we love him with all of our heart. We’re going to serve you communion this morning. It’s a quarter after 12. And for those of you who joined us on the internet, we thank you for joining us, but we’re going to have a little family time here in the next few moments.
And it’s going to be an abbreviated time. So don’t get worried, Church.
We’re going to spend some time at the Lord’s table.
Some ladies are coming to assist me even now.
God Bless and Amen!