Are you in a crisis, if you’re not, brace yourself, you’re going to.
You may have just come out of a crisis. And that doesn’t mean it’s going to be clear sailing going forward.
It just means you’ve got a nice quiet time to get ready for your next crisis. Because life really does hand out a lot of crises. It just does. And so this line came to me, just these words, God in the crisis.
How God shows up in the crisis.
It’s only a few weeks ago, I think, that I spoke about how God is moved by our cry. And when God moves, so He’s moved emotionally, He’s moved by our cries. And when He’s moved by our cries, He begins moving. He does things. I referenced at that time how God spoke to Moses at the burning bush.
And God said, I’ve heard the cries of my people. And I’m going to do something about it, and I’m going to use you. I do recall Moses replying to the Lord, that’s just great. Have you met my brother Aaron? Call on him. He didn’t really feel that he was adequate. And had a sense of inadequacy is not a failure. Hopefully we all feel inadequate now and again.
Otherwise, if we always think we’re adequate, it’s more likely we’re always arrogant. We need to sense our inadequacies. And when a crisis comes, it’s okay to say, I can take this, I can take this. But at times the crisis is greater than we are. I just referenced quickly again how my wife was in the hospital. She had cancer, she was dying. I was not equal to the moment. I was not equal to it at all. I had cried, I had done all I could do.
I even searched my own heart, cried out to the Lord. Is there something that I’ve done wrong? And it was not something that I had done. It was a crisis time, and the Lord met us in that crisis. And she was supposed to die from that. But she cheated heaven and she cheated hell. She’s here. She’s here today, and she’s very much alive. So we’ve been through our crises. And quite frankly, we’re still going through them.
And I’ve got a challenge this morning. I’ve got to get an emergency appointment with a doctor tomorrow morning because there’s something gone really wacky with my left eye. And I don’t understand it. I see lightning flashing. And you’ve heard about the little thing floating around in your eye. How about when it’s a flying saucer that’s floating around? So you’ve got little things coming on your head and it’s not tongues of fire. So we go through crises and we’re going to make it.