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At the conclusion of the service last Sunday, you may have noticed that
they likely did so, that there were respondents in the service to the appeal.
I just want you to know, it’s more than worthwhile, something wonderful is transitioning. And especially
the couple that were here sat right in the front, friends of the tappers. For a few years now, I guess, living
up in the well-end area, they’ve been wanting to come. And in fact, there were two couples here last
Sunday. And so when I got to the appeal, I no sooner got the words out of my mouth, and both of their
hands shot up, it wasn’t like she responded and he thought, well, okay. It was, both of their eyes were
closed, and both of them simultaneously raised their hands. I tried not to get close to people last
Sunday because I was ill, and I’m still in a little bit of recovery mode. I don’t think I have anything to give
away now, maybe a few million dollars, and other than that. But I was trying to see out everybody’s way,
and maybe you noticed the gentleman wearing a mask, and he’s taking a course of chemo, and when
you’re taking that kind of thing, they say that your resistance to all kinds of germs and interruptions is

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