It’s an interesting day for us just now. A new day in which we really feel prompted to exercise ourselves more in prayer. Certainly believing that through prayer, wonderful things will transpire. We’re becoming very much focused on the ministry of healing. Not just for the physical person, but for our mental, for our families, broken marriages, broken relationships. We really believe that the Lord wants to use us in that regard.
Without going into a lot of detail, there are others who now want to be a part of what we’re about to launch as a church. We’re launching a website called the House of Healings and Word is Getting Out course. I’m one who promotes and so now we’ve got Rick Pearson who was here last year giving us a prophecy conference. He will be here hopefully in the month of April to share with us again. He and I’ve had extensive conversations on the phone and he and I think so much alike. I’m not saying that I’m as gifted and as knowledgeable as he but when we talk about end times we are on the same page.
He has said, “Is there any chance that your church would pray for me? I need an army of prayer warriors.” So I shared with him what we’re about to do. We’re about to launch an on the internet prayer ministry and he got all excited. He said, “I want to be a part of it. I want to be a part of it.” Then Siegfried Tepper as he goes abroad to Germany and Japan, he’s going to be sending word back to us. I’m doing a sacred concert in such and such a place. I need prayer and everyone in our congregation will be welcome to become part of us.
All of a sudden if you have a little cell phone or if you’re an iPad or whatever all of a sudden you’ll hear a ping and you’ll open up your thing and it’ll say Siegfried is asking for prayer or there’s a victory here. There’s a victory there. Then we’ve been connecting now with a motorcycle club, a Christian motorcycle club that is global and they want a piece of this as well so that they can in Australia send word to us and say we’re about to have a special meeting here and we need some people to pray because we’re up against it. This is where we’re going.
So on Tuesday mornings, this building is open from 11 o’clock onward, 11 till 12 for people just to come in off the street wherever it’s going to become known. We’re here ready to minister to them and at the end of every service there will be a ministry team that has volunteered to do the same and so when I say amen in a server however the service concludes you will see people up here already waiting. That doesn’t mean that you have to remain. It means that that part of the service is concluded but for those who want to stay for ministry, there will be a team waiting for you.
There’s much more to it that I won’t take time to go into just now. I want to get into the word of God and so what you have before you right now is just about nothing but I know things are going to change. Last week I went on forever believing that something was up there and no it wasn’t there and so I knew after seven days kind of like 40 nights, 40 days the rain stops. I knew that it would be there but nay nay. So I’m going to start anyway. So if by some miraculous intervention, you were to see up here what I’m seeing on my little computer here you would see a stopwatch and if the problem is here you’re welcome to come and help me from here. Somebody waved like this and said no so we need SOS here.
So I want to talk today about what time it is, what’s going on and I dare to commence with this statement or this little story. On October 7th when those terrorists invaded Israel and committed atrocities like we have not seen in our lifetime it was like the mess in Germany all over again only, it was much more terrorizing it’s just incredible and can you believe that there were people in the streets of the United States that were shouting and dancing and prompting it on and among them as they were shouting gas the Jews, gas the Jews and from the river to the sea it was like they already knew these people on the streets already knew that that thing was going to go on. It was absolutely incredible.
All of a sudden there are thousands on the street. How did they know it was nothing short of incredible there was one person and I saw this, on the news actual footage that this lady her name is to leave something and she’s a member of the Congress. She’s a member of the House of Representatives in the US of A. She was I’ve checked her out. She was born in Detroit. She represents the Democratic vote of Michigan of the Detroit area I suppose. She was born in Detroit but she claims she’s a Palestinian and there she was up there a member of the House of Representatives shouting with the people gas the Jews and on and on and on and she’s been interviewed since she wants it’s her fault and among others that there that there’s no border on the south trying to get across from Canada you’ve written there have to mortgage your house. They want to know everything that you’re coming across. Why are you coming? And then coming back in the car it’s incredible, but if you’re down on the southern border, welcome, and we’ll give you a free cell phone. She’s behind that along with some other people. No southern border no immigration check one big wide world but her real focus is to work with the Islamic movement to take over the world.
Now I’m not allowed to say that publicly but I dare to say it that is where they want this to go. It’s not about a little strip of land in Israel it’s about their desire to take over the world and so when you hear these kinds of things and you also hear that same lady standing and making a comment to the world that the Jews don’t have any rights whatsoever to occupy the land known as Israel because she said Islam owned it long before you. That lady is intentionally lying, or has no concept of history in any sense. Islam has only been around for I forget exactly how many probably 1500 years but didn’t the Lord speak of Israel throughout the scriptures like it’s just incredible that they would say that the Jewish people are violating the land they’re violating that property and that they’re colonialist it’s all a lie, it’s totally a lie and the world has bought into it so what does that mean to us and where are we in the world right now and where are things going well I’m going to suggest to you this morning that to understand where we are right now we need to look at a few of the yesterday’s to determine where we are even today.
So, I take you back to 1st Chronicles where David was being celebrated by the people of Israel at that time. Notice the people of Israel this is way before there was a Muhammad or an Islam and a great army was assembling because David was going to have trouble organizing the kingdom in Chronicles 12. There’s a grand list of the thousands of soldiers and from what group they were from what tribe what city whatever thousands of them and among the people mentioned are the children of Izzacar and watch this. It says there were only 200 of them, there were thousands of others but only 200 from the group known as Izzacar, and the Word of the Lord declares that they were men who had an understanding of times to know what Israel ought to do. That’s who we need to be. We need to be people who understand why is this happening.
Why are people saying these things? What is the honest truth about it and so I want to take you back through history and this is just a renewal of our history course, but it begins with God talking to Abraham who lived in a town called Ur. You are in Iraq and by the way Ur was just in the news again recently. It’s still a place where Abraham was called by God forgive me COPD is taking over. Abraham was called by God to leave Ur and to come to what God said a land that I’m going to give you and so the bottom line is who lays claim to the land called Israel God does it’s his land and he gives it to whoever he wants to when I pass away nobody gets to give my way my house it’s my house. I decide who gets it the Lord owns the cattle in a thousand hills and we get whatever he portions out to us. Now Abraham never formed a government he did not become a nation he was told that he would be a nation he was promised by the Lord that his name would be known by people all over the world.
But hard times came upon the earth. Famine came and Joseph was sold into slavery to the Egyptians. When the famine came Joseph was in a very special place God used him. Jacob, his dad, and his brothers, and all their families moved into Egypt. It was a time of celebration but that pharaoh passed away and those who would have known the course of history. Eventually, the new pharaoh came upon the Jewish people and turned them into slaves. Their lives were miserable. Then of course you know that God raised up Moses and Moses led the children of Israel, by the miraculous intervention of God. He led them for 40 years on a trail to the promised land, a trail that they marched on, camped on, and sang kumbaya on, for 40 years. Archaeologists and historians tell us the journey could have taken 40 days, but those people were kind of hard of hearing, as some of us are. They struggled to believe that God was going to do thus and so.
They cried out they wanted meat they cried out they wanted this they came up against Moses it was a trying 40 years but they landed in the so-called promised land, and then they cried out to the Lord. And they said, we want a king, all other peoples have a king, and we want our own nation, and we want a kingdom. So God gave to them, and how did that go? How did that go and then God gave them David, so as prophesied Abraham’s people were taken into Israel. God promised Abraham that he would take care of the Jews, and restore them so a nation was set up and here, I just read to you, just a moment ago … when David was assembling the armies. He established the kingdom of Israel, but hard times came on Israel, and actually, Israel became divided into two different kingdoms. There’s a significant thing I’m going to show you. Just in a few moments, about the two kingdoms and what God said he was going to do.
So there was a series of wars and conquerors that came and eventually had their way and drove the Jews out of the promised land. The Romans had war with Israel, and if you ever get to go over there, you’ll get to go up to a mountain called Masada, where the last holdout carried on trying to defend Israel against the Romans. But of course, they lost, and the consequence of that was that the Jewish people were scattered. It’s called the diaspora. This actually lent help in fact to the spreading of the gospel, as the Jews who’d been converted to Christ, took the gospel message wherever they went. They ended up living in places like China and Russia, they came to this country, to the United States of America, all over the world. But all the time that they were separated from their land, they languished in their hearts and they have always been desirous to go back to their land.
There’s never been a people in all of history that has had that kind of experience. And so they’ve always wanted to go back to Israel. Back during the war of 1967, April and I were living in Montreal and we heard about all the young people of Canada, who were Jewish, who wanted to go back and participate in defending their land. It was an amazing thing. I was invited one evening to go to a home. There was a beautiful young woman, I would say 22 years of age give or take, and she said I’m going home. I was sitting in her house, with her mom and dad, I said you’re going home you haven’t, I thought they were rich people. Jewish people, you know they’ve got another house somewhere, and she said, no I’m going to Israel. I said, wow you’re going to Israel! It was a difficult time.
We sat and we lived, at the time, in the house of an Egyptian, at the very hour that that war was going on. The Egyptian man’s name was Figry Gooberial. We lived in the basement of his house and were renting there. He came and said “Brother David, you got to come” .. he said, “The war is raging.” He said, “My people in Egypt and Jordan and so on, they’re attacking Israel.” But he said, “They’ve made a mistake, come and listen to it on the radio.” I sat with him listening to the radio as the nation of Israel was being attacked. As I said in this lady’s house in this young girl’s house she said I got to go home. I said, why are you going to do that? She said my people need me and my country needs me. I never saw her again after she went. So here we have a country that gets disabled. And their people go all over the world. They’re in every country everywhere. In the 1800s there was a movement, and I don’t know the names of the people that were involved, but they were Jewish people.
There was a movement among the Jewish people and it became known as Zionism. You’ve heard the term Zionism as a desire to re-establish the Jewish people in their own land. Everybody has their piece of property. Everybody has their land, all the nations but Israel is a nation without a country, and so Zionism was born in the 1800s. But it was ever so difficult to make their way back. It became a prayer. it was big, they got together and they prayed. They were hoping and they were saying, how can this happen? They essentially were saying … Well God promised our father Abraham. How’s it going to happen? Well, it never happened at that time, and the difficulty was that there was an empire, an Islamic empire called the Ottomans. The Ottomans took over that part of the world. Their destination was to conquer the entire world. The Ottomans even made their way across Europe and the Europeans had to defend themselves against the Islamic movement. That said, this land is my land. it’s not your land and you’re cutting off people’s heads and they’re going crazy. Sounds like today and the nations of the world had to defend themselves when the First World War broke out and the interesting thing about the world war is the Islamic people took the wrong side and lost. They lost the whole Ottoman empire, it collapsed and now the challenge is for the United Nations to figure out what are we going to do with the land around, what you and I know of as Israel. The conclusion was that they would divide it up. I’ve got pictures for you, I’m sorry you can’t see them, but they would divide the land up. Britain was to look after what was called, at the time, the trans-Jordan and Palestine. The British were to look after it, but what they wanted to do was to work with the Jews and the Arabs together. So they pulled the Jews they pulled the Arabs together and said let’s work on this together, shall we, and so they said to the Jews and the Arabs, who were prepared to divide it all up, you get a little bit, you get a little. Now everybody be Happy.
The Arabs said we’ll have none of it. So finally the British took it over. They tried to get the people to cooperate and the Arabs were not cooperative. Finally, the Brits walked away and they said we can’t deal with the Arabs. They’re not cooperative at all. The Jews are prepared to live side by side. Think about it, the Jews were prepared to, back in those days, back in the forties the Jews were prepared to live with the Arabs. But, the Arabs said we’ll have none of it, kick them out. So the British walked away. The United Nations had to take over. They had to sit down and they said this is how it’s going to be. So those of you who can see a screen, you’ll see a white part that was granted to the Israelis, to the Jewish people, and the red part was granted to the Arabs so they got to have half of Jerusalem and everything that’s called the west bank. Then this little strip along here, because they said well the Arabs need access to water so they gave over to them Gaza.
The Arabs walked out of that meeting and said we’ll have none of this. But the Jews said, “We’re tired of horsing around” so what they did in 1948, on one specific day May 14th they said, “We are a Nation”. They declared to the whole world the land has been given to us by all the nations of the world except the Arabs. They’ve agreed that we get this land so they establish themselves as a nation. Three days later the Arabs attacked them mercilessly and said we’ll have no part of this! You see the Arab people have been at odds with the Jews no matter what. This whole Arab idea of driving them from the Jordan River into the sea, they literally mean, we want to drown them all, we’ll have no part of this ruling.
Now, you have members of the Congress in the United States of America, say yeah we feel the same way. You’ve got university professors, you’ve got university presidents saying, we feel the same way. They’ve brainwashed their students and these kids are in the streets yelling from the river to the sea … gas the Jews and carrying on. This is an old problem dating back to Amalek. Remember I shared with you about the spirit of Amalek you’ve got to deal with at some point. So, here we are today with the nations of the world denying two things. Number one they’re biblically illiterate, and number two they are belligerent and they refuse to accept the stories that I just shared with you. In 1948 United Nations said that’s going to be Israel and that’s going to be for the Palestinians and the Palestinians said this was war. But every time the Arabs attacked the Jewish people ended up looking good, after a little bit of an extra sandbox skirmish.
They ended up controlling the west bank. They ended up controlling Gaza. They ended up controlling everything and why would they do such a thing because if you give those other folks an inch … they’ll take a mile. So as soon as you give them a little bit, like not so many years ago, I can’t remember the date, but the Jewish people said the nation of Israel and the Palestinians … okay you can have Gaza and they forced their own settlers out. They had to abandon their houses, abandon their property, abandon everything that they’d done. The trees they planted, their plans, they moved out. And now the Palestinians claim that strip of land is theirs, it’s all theirs. As soon as they got settled they started firing rockets like it’s just a continuous thing. What does that mean to us, what time is it, and what is going on? Well first of all we’ve got it now. This is another first, we’ve got to go back and track what the bible says. What the bible says, the prophecies of Israel were fulfilled right in 1948 alone. 1948 in one day there were a ton of biblical prophecies that were actually fulfilled and this should give us heart as to what’s going on in the world today. Rest in what the Word of God says. So here was a prophecy Jacob’s descendants would regain control of Israel. That was written 2700 years ago. The prophet Amos said that there would come a time when the exiles of Israel would again have Israel as their land and that they would never be uprooted again.
Amos lived 2700 years ago, it’s bible. Why doesn’t Israel say no to the Nations … “We do have a right to this land, God gave it to us because it’s in their bible”, they can’t walk away from their bible. Another prophecy is found in the book of Ezekiel chapter 37. That Israel would be brought back to life. I’ve heard several teachers recently remark on what Mark Twain who wrote Tom Sawyer and some of the other books, Twain traveled through what we know of is Israel and he wrote, and it became well known worldwide the Jews were so excited to get a hold of this land, he walked through it and he said “I don’t know why they want it” he continues and I’m using my own words, “ just a great big sandbox. it’s desolate, it’s pathetic who would want this land.” But in Ezekiel 37 – the hand of the Lord was on me and he brought me out of this by the spirit and he sent me in the middle of a valley, it was full of Jewish bones. I threw in the word he led me back and forth among the bones and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley of bones that were very dry the Lord said to the prophet .. son of man can these bones live? Then he said to me prophecy over the bones and this is the Word that came out the Lord, this is what the Sovereign Lord says, this is “I am” talking now, this is what the Jewish people need to know.
My people, I’m going to open your graves and bring you up from them. I’ll bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord. When I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken and I have done it declares the Lord. It’s a known fact that less than two percent of the people in Israel have any interest in following the ways of the Lord. The Jewish gatherings in the synagogues are not well attended because just like Canada and the U.S. their interest in religion has really gone down and so we say, well they’re God’s people and how’s this ever going to come about? Well, what’s going to convince these people? How are they ever going to call upon the Lord? The pressure is on now. The pressure is on now the Lord says I’m going to put my spirit upon you. I have spoken and I will do it the Lord declared is equal. In 37 I say he wrote it 2500 years ago. Before she goes into labor I love this, this is talking about May 14th 1948. This verse was fulfilled on May the 14th 1948 is God in charge? You bet your green apples.
He’s in charge, this is the Word of the Lord. before she Israel goes into labor she gives birth she gave birth in 1948 she hadn’t gone into labor yet. The labor began when Israel was born before she goes into trouble before the Arabs attacked her. Before somebody says it’s Jahad time. Before somebody says gas the Jews. Before somebody says from the river to the sea. Before any of that, she became a nation against all odds. A nation. It’s never happened in all of history. A nation is born, in one day. Before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. This is the Lord saying … who’s ever heard of such things. Who’s ever seen such things like this, can a country be born in a day? God, it’s prophesied there it is in Isiah. He prophesies in Isaiah 40. Now wait a minute, wait a minute, this is so intriguing, I am not an authoritarian on historical stuff, but I’ve read several writings, of several people, and I can’t get my head around it significantly enough to be able to present it to you. It’s too complicated for me because it’s math, and i failed math that’s how come I’m a preacher. I’m terrible, terrible at math.
But there are those who have taken what the Lord said in the book of Daniel, with what the Lord said in the book of Ezekiel, and what the Lord said is this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to punish Israel for so many days, but each of those days represents a year. It’s a very complicated thing, and when you look at the Jewish calendar, and you take what the Lord said .. I’m going to give Israel, I’m going to give the Jewish people a tough time until 1948. The Lord said, I’m going to do it, and they were spread all over the world. They didn’t have a pot to cook soup in. You thought I was going to say something else. Get your mind out of there.
Okay, oh that was good, you did it again, Dave. So here they were a nation without a nation, without a place. A nation that’s not. They’ve got a nationality, but if you’ve got a nationality it means that they have a place, that you have a place. What’s your nationality? I’m Canadian oh, I guess you’re from Canada. What’s your nationality I’m Jewish. Where you’re from? Abraham is here about my great-grandpa Moses. But where’s your country? It’s coming! They always believed it was coming. They always believed it was coming, before she goes and delivers, before she gives birth, before the pains come upon her she delivers a son. Who’s ever heard such things? Who’s ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion, Zionism, no sooner is Zion in labor, that she gives birth to her children. I love the bible you stick with the bible, you follow divine truth and these things will trouble you.
To hear about the atrocities raping of women and then dragging them through the streets and dancing all over them, and spitting on them, dismembering them, burning them alive in cars. Taking babies and chopping their heads off. It was I mean unbelievable, and that, yes it’s troubling. And yes it’s diabolical and it’s based on demonic scripture called a certain kind of book. I would get not just kicked off the internet, I’d probably get arrested, if I told you what Coranic book I’m talking about. So you, because you see these people are all driven by this thought … you and I are infidels, and we deserve to die, and we should die. This all began with Zionism in the 1800s, look how long they waited. It goes back to the two kingdoms, okay Israel, the Jewish people, had to be astounded at this time. There were two kingdoms when this prophecy was told. God spoke to the people and said here’s what i’m going to do. There were two kingdoms and the two kingdoms were not getting along, after King David the kingdom was split up into two kingdoms.
They couldn’t get along and it was at this time that this prophecy was given in Ezekial. The two kingdoms had been overrun by adversaries so they didn’t even have their own kingdom. Their kingdoms were demolished, but they were still known by the names Judah and Israel so the Lord says through Ezekial in chapter 37, to the two kingdoms that have been dispossessed and are slaves to other invading outfits, he says I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. So the Lord is saying to these two kingdoms you’re in trouble now, it’s going to get worse till you call upon me, till you acknowledge me, it’s not going to get better you’re going to be spread all over the world. But take heart, because I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them, who by the way is Jesus. There will be one king over all of them. He’s going to set up his kingdom in Jerusalem. Is Jerusalem going to get wiped out in this war? Nay nay, Jerusalem is going to be there. He’s going to put his feet on the Mount of Olives.
I know it looks bleak. I know it looks dark. I know it looks troublesome, but hang on to the Word of God because the promises of God are true. There’ll be one king over all of them, and they will never again from May 1948. They will never again be split into two nations and they’ll never be again divided into two kingdoms. The new Israel will be greater than the former Israel. Jeremiah however, the days are coming declares the Lord, when the men will not be saying, sure as the Lord lives .. who brought the Israelites out of Egypt.
He says the language, the story is going to change, instead of saying the Lord God who brought us out of egypt, this is going to be their story as surely as the Lord lives who brought the Israelites up out of the land of the north, and out of all of the countries where he had banished them. For I will restore them to the land I gave Abraham. Tthe people of israel will return to their own land.Ezekial 34 I will bring them up from the peoples, and I will gather them from the countries I’ll gather them from Poland, I’ll gather them from Russia. I’ll pull them in from Canada from the USA. I’ll pull them from everywhere and I’ll bring them to their own land. I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, and the valleys, and all the inhabited places of the country. The fortunes of the people of Israel will be restored..Duetoronomy 30 vs. 3-5.
Israel right now is one of the most prosperous countries in the whole world. In 1947 Israel didn’t exist and in these few years, in my lifetime May 1948, in my lifetime in your lifetime Israel has been raised up to be some of the most powerful people’s on the earth. If you’re looking for a medical breakthrough stay tuned to Israel. Their medical scientists are among the smartest of the world. I could give you a list it would take many pages long, of the things that you’re enjoying and you say man, this is incredible techno. This is a wonderful breakthrough in medicine, in all kinds of stuff. Where did it come from, Israel, all since 1948. Is the Lord doing it, and He’s not done folks.Through the years God would watch over the people of israel. Check it out Jeramia 31:10 God’s watching over them, it’s troublesome but God’s watching Israel. All Israel’s army will be disproportionately powerful. All those nations in 1967 attacked them. They were outnumbered.
The numbers are incredible, I remember, I don’t know where I was, I can’t find this in my memory I’m not sure, I wasn’t in Mombasa. But I was sitting in some kind of a little cafe and I’m sharing a cup of tea with a Jewish fellow, who had been a tank commander back in the war. You know everybody in Israel is a soldier you know.You have to become a soldier to defend your country, this land, this man told me how he laid under the tracks of his tank. His tank was turned on its side because of an explosion. He said he laid under there. He said the missiles and the the noise of pounding bombs and everything going off around him, he said I laid there, he said I was all alone. The rest of my group from my tank were dead. I was the only one, he said, surrounded by my dead buddies, I’m laying under this tank and he said there he was I cried out in english. I cried out … “Where is this Lord God of Israel? He was not one of those tiny percentages who are not serving God, but in that moment of trial, in that fiery furnace, in the crucible of trouble, when the Arabs were surrounding them, overwhelming them, he said I cried out, where is this Lord God of Israel where are your promises? He said .. David I tell you within moments of crying out that prayer, he said suddenly, there was total quiet, total quiet, no bombs, no machine guns. Nothing.
He said, I crawled out from underneath my tank, and he said, there were the Egyptian army the armored cars, the tanks, the whatever whatever, and he said, they were silent. And he said all of a sudden, somebody ran from my ranks, ran past me and then another one and another one, another one. He said they were running into what he thought was the face of the enemy. He said I crawled up out of that sandy bed, and he began to run with them, and he said you know what we found when we got to the tanks? He said we found their boots. He said they’d taken a knife and ripped out the laces and he said they ran for their lives. I was trapped under my tank, I was doomed, I was finished, but he said something happened. He said the whole Jewish army, or the whole Egyptian army and whoever else, he said they got totally confused, ripped off their boots and ran in their bare feet, in the sand. They ran for their lives. He looked at me and he said, now I’m a believer.
I’ve met so many people, I’ve had such awesome experiences with Jewish people. When I see them in an airport, you can recognize them. They always wear a black hat. When I get a hat, I usually get a different color, not just a little beanie, but you know, this sort whatever, and they’ll have these ringlets hanging down. I would never make fun of them for that. That is their way, That’s their way, but I always go to them, and I’ll get up close, and I’ll say, hey they’ll look scared to death. They never know when somebody’s going to stab them. They never know when somebody’s going to kill them because we all hate the Jews. I’ll go up to them in an airport, and I’ll say, I believe in you buddy. They’ll look at you absolutely astounded. They wonder what’s the next line? You know like this is bait, and I’ll say to them, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They will invariably say, “Who are you?” I say, I’m here to say to you, thank you for giving us the bible. Thank you that your great great grandpa Abram heard from God, and he followed hard after God. I said, I’m a Christian. I said we’re miles apart in so many ways, but I said, the day comes when we’re going to be together. I shake their hand and I move along. I take every opportunity that comes my way, to say to a jewish person, you need to know, we love you.
All of them are now, all the more, now when the universities of north america, I think our country included, I can’t say that for sure. I watch american news, but the universities are against Israel, and you know the kids that are out there, shouting gas the jews, gas the jews. What are they 20 years of age? They weren’t even alive in 1948. They know nothing of the history. They know nothing of the Word of God. They know nothing about 1948. They know nothing about how the world nations have tried to bring Israel down. People say they know nothing, but gas the Jews gas the Jews. I’m encouraged. You maybe can’t tell that, but I am encouraged. I believe so. What’s next? I just share this lastly. I’ve got more slides but i’m going to stop. I have more to say but there’s, listen to this, all the prophecy speaking of the coming of the rapture of the church of Jesus, there’s not one prophecy yet to be fulfilled. Not one everything has been fulfilled, every line, every chart, every dot, every t’s been crossed. We’re on the cusp of the rapture, and what really is important for us, is to live right now in light of eternity. Live now in the light of eternity, when the rapture happens, half an hour later the tribulation will begin. You don’t want to be here. It’s going to last seven years. The first three and a half, we’re going to .. they’re going to say peace, peace, and they’re going to be making a peace accord. I’m going to be sharing this with you again. I’m going to go on with this. They’re going to make a peace accord, which will last three and a half years, until the antichrist marches in to the temple, a rebuilt temple.
They’re planning to rebuild the temple. Now you know that all the stuff’s being assembled by the Jewish people, saying we know, we knew we were going to get the land, now we know we’re going to get our temple. They’ll have a temple up and at the three and a half mark of the tribulation, at three and a half years the antichrist will walk into the temple and he’ll commit an abominable thing, and then all hell’s going to break loose, all over the world. The world will actually turn on him. So we’re living on the cusp of the rapture of the church of Jesus Christ. He’s coming soon. We’re his bride. I went through that one with you a few weeks ago, about how the bride was purchased by the groom. You and I have been purchased by our groom Jesus Christ. The price paid for the bride, is the blood of Jesus Christ. We’ve been purchased and Jesus is coming soon. He’s going to descend with a shout. The voice of the archangel is going to yell, wake up, come on home! First of all the caskets will empty. The dead in Christ will rise. Then we who are alive and remain, shall caught up to meet Him in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Can you say Amen?
Gracious Father… would you stand with me please. Gracious Father, we just pause now as we’re about to close this service. There might be somebody watching over the internet, just now, I’ve never heard these things before. I just pray Father God that they will check out what the Word of God says and they will consider this fact Jesus is coming for us, very very soon. They don’t want to miss out on that glorious opportunity to be saved and Lord for those of us who are here right now, I pray that our hearts will be encouraged. The things that are going on in the world can be very very discouraging, if we take them at what the world says at face value. But Lord we take them through the sifting of the Word of God. The Word of God comes first! All the things that are taking place, even now were prophesied by the great prophets of long time ago, and we are excited to be a part of this day and hour. For Jesus said, He’d come in such an hour as you think not, as a lightning flashes from the east to the west, so shall the coming of the Lord be. Thank you Lord Jesus we know you’re coming soon!