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You could say I have visited a few churches in my day, I have never preached in a noisier group than you. But it is a wonderful sound. You know what it is like to go to a funeral home. Everybody’s whispering And some church services are like that right today, you go there and it will be Shhhh. Not good, not good. Well, this last week I accepted a very kind invitation from the nursing home over here. It’s not all nursing home. It’s a seniors, complex, different levels of care. And so I was invited to go there and speak to the people who are independent. They live in independent apartments. And they happily attend, I think it’s just maybe just one service a week. I’m unsure about that. And so these people were all wide awake. I didn’t have to keep them awake. 

That was wonderful. And it was a happy little group there. I don’t know how many I didn’t count them. And I just felt impressed to share with them about what I’ve been encouraging you with, about blessing one another. Well, they ate it up like candy floss. Their faces were radiant. They were taking it in. And before I was all done, I showed them how this works. And I shook everyone’s hand before I left. One by one, I just went through the rows up and down and looking them in the eye. I said, this is how we do it. I was looking them in the eye and I was saying, here’s my prayer for you. God bless you. There were people whose eyes welled up. Others were just huge smiles. And then people were repeating it back to you, well, God bless you. One lovely lady. I was going to say an elderly lady. I didn’t have to put that in there. One beautiful youngish lady walked along the hall. What she said was so inspirational. 

I told them they had to go to the guy who collects their monthly rent and say, I got a word for you, Walter. God bless you. I said, you’ll startle him. So people thanked me for that. I said, you got to say it. So on my way out, I’m talking to all the attendants and the nurses. I’m sticking my head in their offices. I’d say, well, I got, they know who I am. I’m saying, well, God bless you. And this younger one that was there looked at me. She said, well, thank you. Thank you. So it occurred to me when I’m reading the Psalms that these words come out, come bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord. There’s one that says, come bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord. Lift up your voice and worship and praise him. Well, it’s not enough that we would bless each other, but that we ought to commence, first of all, by blessing the Lord. Well, how do I do that? His house is full. He has everything that he needs. He doesn’t need anything, but he craves something. He craves something. He craves relationships. He craves relationships because that is his glorious opportunity to respond and bless us back. But the blessing began with him. He didn’t choose him. He chose us. And one marvellous opportunity to be able to return thanks and bless him. So what does it mean to bless him? 

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