You have a wonderful sound person here I travel everywhere I familiar words come to us this morning let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father’s house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you will be also want to read this from Phillips translation you must not let your hearts be distressed you must hold onto your faith in God and your faith in me there are many rooms in my father’s house if there were not should I have told you that I’m going to prepare a place for you it is true that I am going away to prepare a place for you but it is just as true that I am coming again let me read that again it is just as true that I am coming again it is just as true that I am coming again to receive you to my own home so that you may be where I am.
Heaven is the home of the soul the home of the believing blood washed redeemed children of God it is the place of God’s nearer an immediate presence it is pictured in scripture as the location where Jesus the groom will be united with the bride his church forever that will be the greatest destination wedding of them all it is also the venue where innumerable angels will worship before the universe is thrown unfortunately in our churches. We seldom hear about heaven except the funerals or sent sympathy cards that express that at that time and those who do talk about heaven are usually branded escapists people that are trying to run away from real life well it certainly will be better in heaven will somebody say amen to that the afterlife is going to be better than this life but I want to tell you that it’s more than a wish.
Heaven is a real place Jesus who conquered death and never lied said he was going there this is not somebody’s fantasy it is where we will be forever more and I’m not longing for that place because it’s hard here and it is sometimes but I’m longing for heaven because I have lived all my life to look in the face of my Savior and to thank him that he redeemed me by his blood that’s the utmost of all reasons to go I’ll get to that later years ago somebody was talking to me and he didn’t like preaching about heaven in fact he didn’t like end times preaching at all and he said some of you need to realize Ken that people aren’t really interested in the hereafter they’re interested in getting to next Thursday you need to help them well I’m going to tell you what I told him.
I said my brother, if those people fix their eyes on heaven they’ll get to next Thursday alright because that’s where we’re going and that’s the hope if our conversation our way of life is in heaven then to say that somebody is so heavenly minded they’re no earthly good simply isn’t true Philippians 3 20 says for our homeland our citizenship our way of life is in heaven from whence we eagerly wait for our Savior. Colossians 3 1 and 2 say if you were raised with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above not on things on the earth. I want to tell you about the day in which we live and right now if you’re setting your mind on things on the earth you’re mightily upset and probably very afraid but I do not face today with fear, because my eyes are on heaven. And some golden daybreak Jesus will come the Bible tells us that God should increase in us the mindset of heaven let’s talk about some of the absences that are in heaven and I want to read to you this morning from the seventh chapter of Revelation seventh chapter of Revelation.
I’m going to begin reading at the 13th verse some of you actually have Bibles well great I’ll wait usually they have a device and they’re going like this but some of you actually have Bibles that’s good Revelation 7 13 then one of the elders answered saying to me who are these arrayed in white robes and where do they come from and I said to him sir you know so he said to me these are the ones who came out of the great tribulation and watched their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb therefore they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple and he who sits on the throne will dwell among them they shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore nor the sun shall not strike them nor any heat for the lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to fountains of living waters and God will wipe every tear away from their eyes. The first absence I want to talk to you about that’s in heaven is the absence of hunger it said so here about half of our world goes to bed without enough food and whole bunches of them are starving without any we’ve all seen these media images of little children with distended bellies we’ve seen people with weakened bodies that are open to all kinds of disease empty stomachs do not make a good mood for learning some Christians even in this world is in North Korea are deprived of food if they are known to believe in Jesus Christ but I want to tell you in heaven there’s no hunger there’s fullness there there’s no acan stomachs there’s no hungry mouths.
There are trees there and the trees bear fruit and the leaves of them are for the healing of the nations excuse me but I’m getting excited about this morning there’s no hunger there there’s an absence of thirst appalling images come to mind images of children and adults drinking water from polluted rivers and streams instead of the water giving them life it brings them disease and death and you and I have watched pictures of those who go and are able to dwell to dig wells in these particular places and all of a sudden the water springs up and people actually dance and laugh and anoint themselves with water because they’re going to be able to drink something that doesn’t kill them but I want to tell you in heaven we won’t require any well-diggers the waters are
as pure as crystal.
I want to go there don’t you there’s an absence of torture since early times believers have sometimes had to flee to places for refuge to escape imprisonment and even torture and death they were dehydrated in the early years by the blazing sun and were vulnerable to sunstroke in the deserts they were unwillingly exposed to elements that hastened their death but
in that heavenly home the climate is eternally healthful there’s an absence of tears the tears spoken of here are not tears of joy they are the the tears of tragedy the sobs of lost hopes the wet faces of trauma and shock their tears of imprisonment and loneliness of separation and sadness some are even tears of torture but I want to tell you something this morning my god has a big handkerchief and he’s going to wipe away every tear from their eyes I can’t wait as they walk in having paid a sacrifice that we know nothing of and as they weep before the throne the lamb takes a hanky and says that’s the last do you win a cry let me read again from Revelation chapter 21 we’ll get some more absences.
I’m going to begin to read at verse 22 but I saw no temple in it for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple the city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God illuminated it the lamb is its light and the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it its gates shall not be shot at
all by day and there shall be no night there but there shall by no means enter in anything it be files or causes an abomination or a lie but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life. and he showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding from the throne of God and the lamb will you close your eyes and just imagine this well I read it let me start again.
He showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding from the throne of God and the lamb in the middle of its street and on either side of the river was the tree of life which bore twelve fruits each tree yielding its fruit every month the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations and there shall be no more curse but the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him they shall see his face and his name shall be on their foreheads there shall be no night there they need neither lamp nor light of the Sun for the Lord God gives them light and they shall reign forever and ever in heaven there’s the absence of a temple. I’m sure John in the revelation was thinking of that gleaming edifice that Herod built in
Jerusalem lying in ruins as was the whole city because of Roman vengeance on their rebellion but John said in that city no matter how beautiful that temple was they won’t need a temple the whole place is in except is a sanctuary the whole place is a place of constant worship and praise we will not come to the house of God to worship we will be in the house of God forevermore worshiping.
There will be absence of Sun and moon the Sun already out shines the moon but there’s no need of either of them up yonder imagine a glory so intense and constant that both Sun and moon are absolute and unnecessary absolutely pardon me and unnecessary I don’t know this song very well but it came flooding to my mind so if I get the words wrong you’ll forgive me I can only imagine what it will be like when I walk by your side what my eyes will see when your face is before me I can only imagine surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still will I stand in your presence at your feet will I fall will I sing hallelujah or maybe shout it will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine the brightness of that
glory and the glory that comes from the face of him who sits on the throne there will be an absence of barriers the gates are never shot I’m shot at a lot of places I remember a few years ago when somebody decided without permission to walk up to 24 Sussex Street and all of a sudden there appeared all kinds of people who said he can’t go there there’s actually a gate in the place I’m not an
American but I understand there are a few gates at Fort Knox that I would not be allowed to go into and there’s a vault in my bank that I just can’t walk into it anytime not that I ever need to I just fantasizing I’m so shocked now I understand that I’m not against it but Brayside Camp and Cobour Camp now have gates you can’t get in them if there if you don’t know the codes and the reason for that isn’t because the people who live there are so bad it’s because other people have no reverence for holy places anymore and they could tear down homes or rob them or heaven knows what kind of harm they could give but I want to tell you that in that crime-free land there’s no more reason to be protected or shielded or guarded or shut out only the pure in heart are there and they see God there’s an absence of darkness in heaven there’s no night there darkness is the place where evil and fear lurk where the rapist is undetected where those who would do harms secrete themselves where criminals escape detection but there are no pitfalls hidden in that inky gloom there’s no fear of praying praying animals or prying enemies.
Everything and everyone is exposed for who they are they’re all righteous they’re all God’s people and there is only light in that city and I know that I am the Museum of Pentecostal him knowledge and all I know is old songs but there’s one classical one that came strongly to mind as I was putting this message together and once again the scene was changed new earth there seemed to be I saw the holy city beside the tidless sea the light of God was on its street the gates were open wide and all who would might enter and no one was denied no new need of moon or stars by night nor sun to shine by day it was the new Jerusalem that would not pass away Hosanna Hosanna there is an absence not only of darkness there’s an absence of the sea you say why on the earth.
That because seas separate seas are filled with storms seas contain dangerous mammals sees wreck things and drown people but in Zion there’s no old kind of sea like anymore the sea is pure glass it is perfection and amazing come and go with me to my father’s house those who have never heard me preach before don’t know I do this but the rest of you do come and go with me to my father’s house to my father’s house to my father’s house come and go with me to my father’s house where there’s joy joy joy there’ll be no sorrow there in my father’s house in my father’s house in my father’s house there’ll be no sorrow there in my father’s house where there’s peace sweet peace I’m gonna lift my hand you can Jesus will be there in my father’s house in my father’s house in my father’s house in my father’s house.
Jesus will be there in my father’s house where there’s peace sweet peace there’s not only the absence of the old sea there’s an absence of sin I can only imagine truly no more need for parliaments to try to bring evil to justice those who practice or imagine sin will never even get close to that place only peace that comes from prevailing righteousness no more divorce or family courts no more woke politicians proclaiming the most recent psychosocial logical babble the list goes on and on but it will be forgotten in the city of God all of that stuff is outside no scam artists and those who scheme evil only and none of those who rejoice in the presence of the pleasures of sin only those who have been made pure and holy will be there.
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah your faces tell me you’re getting at this morning won’t it be wonderful there the twelfth absence is the absence of a curse it was the curse that drove Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden.
The sentence of death eternal death and separation from God and His goodness are all part of that curse so our pandemics and hospitals and cemeteries and funeral homes no more failing medical systems sickness and death are absent they have been cast into the lake of fire I love this verse in the Christmas hymn when I’m singing it on Christmas Sunday all the Christians sort of stand there like well this is the regular Christmas Carol and I want to run down the aisles you know what the verse is no more let sin and sorrow grow or thorns infest the ground he comes to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found excuse me but how to pray for glory to Jesus it’s going to happen there will be an absence of war my earliest memories as a child surround war I remember coming home from grade two my dad was all dressed up in his Sunday clothes.
And when he left my mother said I said where’s why is dad dressed up and my mother said he’s going over to visit Mrs. Mazzell and to tell her that her husband will not be coming home I never forgot that day Mrs. Mazzell had three children the youngest girl was named Beatrice and she never saw her father such are the horrors of war and there are atrocities I wouldn’t even rehearse here because we would go out of here sick to our stomachs but I want to tell you like the old spiritual says one day we’re gonna study war no more that will be history swords will be recycled into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks the arts of war will never be studied or strategize in heaven peace will reign in the presence of the Prince of peace there will be an absence of Satan my father used to call him slewfoot I never did understand what that word meant but that’s what he called him you see that’s why the curse and war and fraud and depravity are are menacing our population but with Satan gone the menace is gone he and all his demonic hordes will go to the regions of the damned.
No more tempter no more guilt and shame no more bad news no more spiritual warfare no more watching evil triumph I probably missed a few absences this morning but let me rehearse as we close some of the things that will be present in that city in the glory world what and who is present there well we are in a place where heartache is unknown and where grief is unheard of
somebody say amen you’re far too quiet down there this morning I know you’re you’re listening and not all of you shout like I do but you know a whisper day man would help we are in a place of unpolluted air nothing defiles that very pristine atmosphere we are in a place of perfect peace of unalloyed joy and endless praise we are in the presence of absolute holiness purity has erased
and eclipsed the poison and smog of sin forever and ever and ever hallelujah hallelujah we are in the presence of absolute holiness but we have also arrived in the in a country of innumerable angels we have joined the spirits of just people who are finally and eternally made perfect we move amid the heroes of our faith those who pass this legacy down from generation to generation and I know right now many of us will be thinking of the 11th chapter of Hebrews about Noah and Abraham and Rahab and and all of that but I want to thank the Lord for the people that knelt beside me in the prayer room when I was a little boy and put their hands on me I want to thank God for the people who stood in testified of the greatness of God who held on when Pentecostals were called names and stood for God. I want to see them and I want to thank them that they stood true and faithful to God.
Somebody say a man down there this morning we are in the company of everyone who’s been redeemed by the blood not one is absent our saved loved ones will embrace us again but primarily ultimately supremely and eternally we shall stand in the presence of him who loved us and redeemed us who was beaten up and scarred and slandered that we might go to that place where none of those things will ever happen again the Bible says that his name will be in our foreheads now I don’t want any of you to get angry at me but I thought that’s kind of a righteous tattoo because so many of them aren’t if I’m going to have one I want that name
in my forehead you say amen to them we shall see his face and seeing his face we will be changed into his likeness and I’m not trying to be humble but God only knows how unlike him at times I am I don’t even know myself sometimes but one of these days we will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye hallelujah and death will be swallowed up in victory.
What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see when I look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace when he takes me by the hand and leads me to the promised land what a day glorious day that will be I’m all packed up I’m ready to go and I’m glad that there’s not a price and need all of my suitcases the entrance is free and so is the flight I don’t know if you’re ready or maybe you know you’re not but this would be a good time right now to get ready to follow the feet of Jesus and own him as your Savior and Lord and turn from your sin and turn to everything that’s good and holy and righteous and eternal this is the moment if that needs to happen I want to close seeing a couple of songs I hope you’ve been blessed by this this morning because I was really blessed doing it and the songs are well known to those of us who have been Christians for a long time I want you to just sit with for the first one if you don’t know this song just close your eyes and let the rest of us stir your imagination how beautiful heaven must be sweet home of the happy and free fair haven of rest for the weary how beautiful heaven must be,
We read of a place that’s called heaven it’s made for the pure and the free these truths in God’s word he has given how beautiful heaven must be just imagine how beautiful heaven must be sweet home of the happy and free fair haven of rest for the weary how beautiful heaven must be in heaven no drooping or pining no wishing for elsewhere to be God’s light is forever they’re shining how beautiful heaven must be how beautiful heaven must be sweet home of the happy and free fair haven of rest for the weary how beautiful heaven must be pure waters of life there are flowing and all who will drink may be free rare jewels of spender are glowing how beautiful heaven must be how beautiful heaven must be sweet home of the happy and free fair haven of rest for the weary how beautiful heaven must be the angels so sweetly are singing up there by the beautiful sea sweet cords from their gold harves are ringing how beautiful heaven must be how beautiful heaven must be sweet home of the happy and free fair haven of rest for the weary how beautiful heaven must be can i take five more minutes this isn’t on your list but lucas will probably find it never grow old and never grow old in a land where will never grow old never grow old never grow old in a land where will never grow old i have heard of the land on a faraway strand disa beautiful home of the soul i can hardly wait built by jesus on high there we never shall die tis a land where will never grow old never grow old never grow old in a land where will never grow old never grow old in a land where will never grow old then one day i’ll cross the river i’ll fight life’s final war with pain and then as death gives way to victory i’ll see the lights of glory and i’ll know he reigns.
I see it again and then one day i’ll cross that river i’ll fight life’s final war with pain hallelujah and then as death gives way to victory i’ll see the lights of glory and i’ll know he reigns because he lives i can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone because i know i know he holds the future and life is worth the living just because he lives some people are crying here it’s all right to cry in this church because he lives i can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone because i know i know he holds the future and life is worth the living.
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah