Dave, I think it’s been 150 years somewhere around there that we’ve known each other. I want to thank Pastor Dave for having me come to the church. What you’re going to hear this morning, is some of the teaching I taught for the last 36 years, and I taught Dave’s son and his daughter, Nla Anna, when they were 18 years old in Brantford, Ontario, and everything that I’ve been teaching for the last 37 years is happening now. It’s taken that long. And just a brief background, how many have seen Prophecy USA on television? Prophecy USA, okay, great. A brief background for those of you who don’t know me. When I was seven years old, I walked down the aisle and got saved. By the time I was 18, I wondered if this thing was a fairy made of vowed God in an small apartment. I said, God, if you are real, show me you’re real. I’ll give you my life to do whatever you want. The apartment door blew open, and a wind came into the room and encircled me and a friend of mine who was praying. I fell on the floor, I started speaking a foreign language.
This was phenomenal for a Baptist who was raised with cessation theology, but I soon found out that Jesus. This was phenomenal for a Baptist who was raised with cessation theology, but I soon found out that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I enrolled at ORU and I learned the charismatic teaching at Oral Roberts University. Graduated from ORU in 77, came back home, and worked in a family business in Brantford, Ontario. At 32 years of age, I received a call from ORU to be on the board of regents. I was down there, I saw the board, I realized I had not been tithing, I hadn’t been doing what the Bible said and I was convicted and I took 10% of my net worth. I wrote a check and I gave it to medical missions. As soon as I released that check, something happened to me very similar to Cornelius in the Bible Acts chapter 10. An angel appeared to Cornelius and said, your arms and offerings have come up for a memorial towards God. Go and talk to Peter and he will show you the way of salvation.
The exact same thing happened to me only I was shown things to come in the United States of America. And it shook me to the core. I slept for three weeks with this, do I need a mic? Oh boy, check one, and two. I slept for three weeks with this Bible on my chest. I didn’t know if I was going to lose my mind or not. I decided to fly down to Oral Roberts University and have Oral Roberts lay hands on me. I said, Brother Roberts, there’s something very wrong with me. I’ve had this experience. He laid hands on me, he started laughing. He said, Rick, that’s not demonic. God has spoken to you, son. He said I won’t lie to you. You’re very close to your calling right now. I came back home from Tulsa, started teaching the best I could in church and that’s what you’re going to hear this morning. Basically what I have studied for the last 37 years. In 2009 I went and saw Oral. Before he died six months before he died I told him I just sold my business. I was going to retire at 55 and fly. And that was the goal I had. And he looked at me and he said, Rick, God is going to open a door for you. And you’re going to have to walk through it.
Sometimes that’s easy and sometimes that’s hard. But he will open the door and you will know. Eight years later I was in Israel. I met Dr. Rod Hembray. We were talking prophecy and I can go on and on and on and on talking prophecy. And in Israel, in a swimming pool, the Lord spoke to Rod Hembray.
Dr. Rod Hembray from Bible Discovery TV. And the Lord said, put Rick on television.
Give him your studio, build a studio for him, give him your cameras, give him your expertise, give him your staff, and do everything for free. And Rod came to me and he told me that and I came home and I said Karen, I’m 65 years old. And I’m going to start a television ministry. And I thought to myself, this is going to go over like a lead balloon. Just imagine, a retired bus salesman declares the end is near. Housewives can curse. I mean, I couldn’t believe I was going to go on television. Well, today we’re on 120 stations across the nation. We have an app that has 750,000 people that have watched it. We’re on YouTube. We hit 1 million.
This is in four years. We wrote four books and two best-sellers. And I’m in full-time ministry today on television and YouTube. And every Thursday we have a Bible study. And with the things that I wrote in my book, a lot of them have come to pass with the World Economic Forum, etc. But we do have, we have not a mantra, but we have a standard at Prophecy USA. That if the Bible doesn’t say it, neither will we. However, the interpretation of Scripture has divided the body of Christ into 30,000 denominations. The biggest deception today that I believe in the body of Christ around the world, and especially in America, is the traditional interpretation of Scripture that states that the United States of America is nowhere to be found in Scripture. Those who have criticized our research are now saying that the USA must be diminished for the Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Well, I’ve been saying that for 37 years. However, recently a prophecy, not a prophecy teacher, but an evangelist in the States who was watching our show and reading our books, said that there are some people going around saying that the United States of America is not in the Bible. And he said I want to tell you something right now. In Exodus, you have Exodus, and you have Issa Jesus. Issa Jesus means you can make the Bible say whatever you want to. Exodus is the true Word of God. And then he said, you know, I might be old fashioned, but I believe that what the Bible says is what the Bible means, and what the Bible means is what the Bible says. And I agree with him 150%. I just wish he’d read the Bible. Because I’m going to give you the Bible this morning. I’m not going to tell you what happened in the room.
I’m not going to tell you about an audible voice. I’m just going to go by the Word of God. And you know, the word heresy, it means a belief or an opinion contrary to religious doctrine. So how do I respond to that? Say hello to my little friend. This book represents every believer’s personal constitution. It’s the owner’s manual. It’s your personal love letter sent from God Almighty directly to you. He knows the number of hairs on your head. He knows when you’re going to when you were born, and he knows when you’re going to die. And this book is the instruction manual.
And the author of this book calls it the sort of spirit. It’s designed for spiritual warfare. It’s not a butter knife, and it’s not a book of mythology. Unfortunately, during Jesus’ time on the earth, the scribes and the Pharisees who had spent their whole life studying this book could not even recognize the author who wrote it. He was standing right in front of them, and Paul specifically stated that the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of the sun, the sun of the soul and spirit, and the joints and the heart. And is a discerner of the thoughts and the intensity of the heart. It’s designed to pierce your heart. It prevents stinking, thinking, and hardening of the attitudes. It’ll pull down root out and destroy lies from any of its enemies.
It will give you a checkup from the neck up. It will renew your mind, and it will quicken your spirit. When you examine it, it will examine you. It’ll take out of you what the devil put in. It’ll put back in you what the devil took out, and it will give you the wisdom to know the difference. This book has endured eternity. It’s resisted tyranny, and it’s restored freedom and peace to the minds of millions of people who have practiced its precepts. But I must warn you, there is a convergence of the signs and the times today happening in both America and Canada that if we don’t come back to this book, an unprecedented judgment is going to fall on North America that will make the current wars in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip look like a cakewalk. When the religious folks rejected Jesus, he specifically told them that they were making the Word of God by their tradition,
that has been handed down and many such things that you do. And we at Prophecy USA believe that the biggest lie in the body of Christ today is that America is not in the Bible. We believe it is 100% in Scripture. So if someone calls you a heretic for stating that America is in the Bible, don’t be alarmed. Because Jeremiah was called a heretic before they stoned him. Isaiah was called a heretic before they saw him as thunder. Daniel was called a heretic before they threw him in the lion’s den. Jesus was called a heretic before they crucified him. Paul was called a heretic before they cut his head off. In 1550 AD, Martin Luther was called a heretic for telling the Catholic church that indulgences were nowhere to be found in Scripture for the forgiveness of sins. They said the same thing about the men who wrote the Bible and gave 53 descriptions of a Latter-day nation called Babel on the Great.
And America has fulfilled all 53 descriptions. So my task this morning is very much like Jeremiah’s. He was given a mandate. Jeremiah was told I have put my words in thy mouth to set the over the nations and overthrow kingdoms to root out to pull down and to destroy and throw down to build and to plant. Jeremiah did not get the word that he received in an air-conditioned seminary sipping a latte studying to be approved by man. Instead, he got it flat on his face shaking like a leaf and making every excuse in the book why God should not call him. But it was too late. God said before I formed you in the womb, Jeremiah. Before I formed them in the belly I knew them before they came out from the womb. I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet under the nations. And I want to assure you that God still speaks today to us, little people.
And he can put into you what the devil took out and he’ll root out of you what the devil has put in. In pulling down modern-day strongholds will contend this morning with the top 10 reasons why modern academic society Christian society in America believes that America is not in the Bible. And we’re going to look at what the Bible says because we believe what the Bible says is what the Bible means and what the Bible means is what the Bible says. On the top 10 countdown. The first one is and this is what I confront all the time on Facebook and YouTube when people write in. The Bible in Jesus is a myth. It’s not relevant for today. The Bible has 66 books, and 40 authors and was written over 1500 years. It’s the only book that is 27% made of prophecy. It’s the only religious book designed to declare the end from the beginning and it transcends time from one generation to another differentiating itself from any other religious book that has ever been penned. The reason for this is stated by the author.
When he said in Isaiah 46, I am God and there is none like me. I declare the end from the beginning and from the ancient of times the things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand. I will do my pleasure. I have spoken it in this word. I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it and I will also do it.
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
And Jesus himself fulfilled close to 300 prophecies in his lifetime. That’s a chance of one in a trillion. He was born in Bethlehem. He came out of Egypt. He was called in Nazarene as hands and feet were pierced. He would be crucified, and not a bone of his body would be broken. Soldiers would pierce his side. Sir Isaac Newton said the Bible is pure, all sincere, and nothing wanting. Charles Dickens said it’s the best book that ever was or ever will be. It was read by Winston Churchill Franklin Roosevelt George Washington H. G. Wells, Daniel Webster. Webster’s dictionary said this, if we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper. But if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity. If the Bible is good enough for these men if twelve disciples were martyred and would not refuse to deny that they saw Jesus walk on the water, heal the sick, raise the dead, and even the window bay his voice.
If the prophets like Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and John foretold 53 biblical descriptions of a latter-day nation called Babel on the Great and the United States of America meets every description, God is speaking to us loud and clear from this book. Whether you want to hear it or not, it does not matter. He has spoken it, he will also do it, he has purposed it, and he will bring it to pass. So the question is, are we reading our Bible? Are we following the herd or are we following the word? The second excuse that America is not in the Bible is that the word America is not found in Scripture, and that’s true. The word Trinity is not found in the Bible, but Jesus said, I and the Father are one. The word Rapture is not in the Bible, but the Greek word Harpazo is, and it means catching or snatching away. The word Russia, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, or America is found in the Bible, but the geographical locations are. Noah’s son has been traced, the sons of Noah have been traced by ethnologists in Genesis chapter 10, and those families’ offspring move to different regions. May Gog, Mishok, Tubal, Persia, Togamar, Shiba, and Dan are all the locations of the nations that I just said.
They will appear in the Gog, Magog war that’s coming. Babylon, the Great, is perfectly described because the multiple visions or descriptions of Babylon given by Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and John have waited for its appointed time to be fulfilled in our generation. We have not come to the end yet. Why is that? The vision that these men have has waited for an appointed time, and it will not lie, and it is not lying to us right now when what we see is happening in America and around the world. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled at its appointed time. When will Jesus come? No one knows. Someone asked me, they said, did the Lord tell you when he’s coming? And I said, yes, but don’t tell anybody’s coming next Thursday at 430 right between Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. Ask a stupid question.
Jesus doesn’t know. Nobody knows. Only the father knows. He’s going to know when it’s going to happen. So there are 53 visions of America, and we’ve fulfilled all of them. But in Daniel 12, it said, when Daniel received the word, he said, the words are closed, Daniel, and sealed to the time of the end. They’re not for you to know. Daniel was writing things down. He didn’t even know what he was talking about. But at the end, when we get close to the end when the vision reaches its appointed time, you can turn on CNN or Fox or YouTube and go, oh my goodness, it’s happening. It’s happening.
If you get into this book, it will change your life. It will change your life. It’s yours, it’s a love letter from God directly to you. Peter said to Jesus, when Jesus said, who are you? Who do men say that I am?
And Peter said, thou art the son of God. And Jesus said, blessed thou art. Blessed are thou, Simon, Barjona, for flesh and blood, have not revealed it unto you. But my father, who is in heaven.
This book is for your own personal revelation of God. As you read it, he will speak to you. Even Paul, who had seen Jesus, acknowledged the progressive revelation of Scripture. When he said, how that by revelation, he had made known unto me the mystery of Christ, which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of man. As it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets, folks, God’s still revealing his end-time secrets. 27% of this book is prophecy. Have you discovered the purpose of 27% of this Bible? The purpose of prophecy is to verify that this was written by a divine authority. The prophet Amos was promised, surely the Lord would do nothing except reveal it to his servants, the prophets. In the Old Testament, you could not hear God’s voice. You had to go to a prophet. You had to go to a prophet. But in the New Testament, everything changed.
God speaks directly to us now. If you can read, you can discover the secrets of God. If you have a conscience, you can hear the still small voice of God. The secret things belong to the Lord, but the things he reveals to us belong to us and to our children. Forever that we may do all the words of this law. So who does he reveal his secrets to? His children, you and I. There are things that you can know that other people will never understand unless they’re into this book and they’re listening. And I have found that out on the internet by the response of many people. The vast majority of people, don’t want to hear what this book says. But they will soon find out what it says.
The eighth excuse that you will hear of why America is not in the Bible is America did not exist when the Bible was written. Of course, it didn’t, which makes the Bible even more credible. The question is did America exist in the mind of God before it was created? Why did the angel call it a mystery, Babylon the Great? Do you think the angel even knew what was coming in the future? Probably not. The word mystery means a secret revealed to a select group of people. God has secrets that he wants to reveal to us. When Donald Trump got shot yesterday, I said to my wife, I said it’s happening. The principle of power is rulers of darkness. We are not fighting flesh and blood folks.
And these demons, have no compassion for people. All they want to do is kill, steal, and destroy. They will kill even the people that they are in. Like a drug addict. So we are watching evil manifest today like never before. In 600 BC, in Daniel 2, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream from God giving an image of providential nations that would rise and fall through the earth. Remember, he calls the end from the beginning. He’s spoken it. He will also do it. He’s purposed it and he will bring it to pass. Providential means something that’s created through divine providence or utterance.
He has spoken it and it will happen. In front of you is an image that Nebuchadnezzar had. This is the dream that he had. And in John, I want, now a lot of the things that I’m going to say now, you’re going to have to study for yourself because I can’t give you 37 years in one hour. But I’ll give you an overview. This is the image that John had or not John, but Daniel had. Daniel was interpreting Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. And you can see here, he said, this was in 550 BC that Nebuchadnezzar had the dream. Daniel interpreted it and then 550 years later, John is given a revelation of that same dream. And the angel comes and says to John that five nations have fallen, Egypt, Syria, Babylon, Mediopersia, and Greece. And one is.
One is being roamed. That was the time when John received the revelation. But there are two more nations or empires left. And the seventh empire is described as a woman. She appears before the eighth B system appears. The B system is a one-world government. It’ll be ruled by the Antichrist.
This woman in Scripture has 53 descriptions, which America has already fulfilled. What are some of those descriptions? She’s raised up by God, but she’s also deposed by God, who uses the Antichrist B system in the coming Maygog war to judge her. Why?
Because Babylon or America has walked away from her foundational covenant of Judeo-Christian principles. Revelation 17;16, talks about how the seventh nation will be deposed. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these are ten nations that are going to rise up to form a one-world government. They will hate the whore. They will hate the woman. They will hate America. And she’ll make her desolate and naked and she’ll burn her with fire. For God has put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled. The eighth nation, the global world order, cannot come into power until they depose the seventh nation. How will it happen? In Ezekiel 39, we have a God-made war.
We have several nations that are going to come down against Israel. They’re forming right now. You’ve got Russia in Ukraine, Russia, Iran, and Turkey are in a coalition right now. Those are three of the seven nations that are going to come down on Israel sooner or later. We don’t know when, but it’s going to happen. In the latter days, it will happen and he says, God says, I will send fire on make-og and among them that dwell carelessly in the aisles and they shall know that I am Lord. Russia, Iran, Turkey, when those forces come down, they’re going to be set on fire at the golden heights. God is going to take them out. He’s going to protect Israel because Jerusalem is the geographical center of the earth. We are not, but we’re a player. We are a player.
North America is a player. When that war takes place and God burns Gog in Magog and Russia and Libya and those armies north of Israel, it says, I will send fire on Magog and among them that dwell carelessly in the aisles and they shall know that I am God. In the latter days, there’s only one nation described that dwells carelessly and her name is Mystery Babel on the Great, the Seventh Nation, the Seventh Empire. He says in Isaiah 46, therefore now hear this, thou that are given to pleasures that dwell carelessly. He’s speaking to Mystery Babel which we say is the United States of America. You say in your heart, I am and none else beside me. You say I sell not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children, but these two things shall come upon thee in a moment in one day the loss of children in widowhood. Perhaps the greatest misinterpretation of Scripture for deciphering the events in the book of Revelation is the time sequences in which Babylon actually appears on God’s prophetic time clock. So we have to look at the 53 descriptions. We know that she’ll be burnt during the Great war, correct? Babylon is the richest nation in the world.
She’s the most powerful militarily and she sits on the Seven Contents or Seven Mountains of the Earth. And the woman which you saw was a raid in purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. And the merchants of the earth were waxed, waxed, rich through the abundance of her delicacies. We have to look for the richest nation in the world before the Antichrist and his Ten Horn New World Order come into power. The world’s GDP is now 110 trillion. Several years ago it was 50 trillion and the US was 21. The US has gone from 40% of the world’s GDP down to 28% of the world’s GDP. The world’s population is approximately 8 billion people. 350 million people represent roughly 25% of the world’s gross domestic product. In other words, 5% of the world’s population consumes 40% of the world’s GDP. 5% of the world’s GDP.
The Bible says that she trades 27 products listed with the merchants of the earth. So she’s a port city. And every shipmaster and all the company and ships and sailors and as many as trade by sea would trade with her, wherein they were made rich, all that had ships in the sea because of her costliness. Babylon must be a port nation. She must have ports. She’s not located in the land. She has a coastline. The United States of America has 835 seaports in the world. The world has 835 seaports. The USA has 360 of those, almost half. She has 12,000 miles of coastland employing 13 million people.
So now we have 40% of the world’s ports are located in this nation called Babylon. She trades 27 products. And every product you see here listed is either grown, built, or traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Meanwhile, the Statue of Liberty representing the Lady of Kingdoms watches over the shipmasters literally passing by the city of Babylon, New York. How many of these products do you think roam trades? Or a city that is someday going to be built to fulfill these prophecies? This verse is already being fulfilled right now in real-time. We’re already at God’s chiral moment. The vision is not waiting for its appointed time. We’re watching it happen right under our noses. And do you know how many prophecy teachers are not teaching this?
What do they learn in seminary, what the tradition of man is blinding us? So where are the prophets who are telling us that America is in the Bible? Why are prophecy teachers and seminaries and even prophets telling us that America is nowhere to be found in Scripture? Every Prophedential Nation in Scripture is described by an animal. You know those eight Providential Nations from the image? Babylon’s the only nation icon’d in Scripture as a woman. She’s called a Lady of Kingdoms at the beginning and a mother of Harlet’s at her end. She is raised up, she falls into darkness and God spews her out of his mouth. The world recognizes America by its global icon, the Statue of Liberty. And in building her, they put seven spikes in her head that represented the seven continents of the earth and it says the woman sits on seven mountains of the earth. She was originally designed to be put in the Suez Canal representing the Goddess Ishtar.
However, that changed when they refused the Statue and didn’t want it. So the French man, I forget his name, who designed it, changed the method of his design and decided to make Lady Liberty like the Roman Goddess Liberitis or Liberty. The Roman Goddess Liberitis is an offset of Ishtar Astrid. She all comes from the ancient Babylonian religion of Baleworship. And Baleworship involves all forms of sexual immorality, a lust for money and power, and the shedding of innocent blood in the form of child sacrifices. Number five, the Mystery Babylon will be judged in the middle or end of the Tribulation period. Now this is what you learn in academia. Mystery Babylon is part of the B system. This is what they teach. However, nowhere in Scripture can you find that God judges Babylon in the middle or the end of the Tribulation period. But we can find that this Lady of Kingdoms in Scripture is judged right at the beginning of the Tribulation period when the Antichrist takes her out.
The seventh nation is in the Scripture that we looked at. The seventh providential nation is raised up by God but also deposed by God who uses the eighth kingdom, the B system in the coming Gog, Magog war to judge her. Why? Because Babylon or America has walked away from her foundational covenant of Judeo-Christian principles and morals. The coming Gog, Magog war has several nations involved. Russia, Iran, Libya, Gomorrah, Ethiopia and Germany. Other allied nations come and confront them in Israel.
That will be Saudi Arabia. It says Tarsus and the young lions thereof which are the Commonwealth nations, Canada, the USA, and possibly Australia. We’ll confront these nations that come down on Israel. Ezekiel 39, I will send a fire on Gog and on Magog and them that dwell carelessly in the coastlands. Now, the word carelessly here is the Hebrew word beta and it’s used four times in Scripture. Babylon dwells carelessly. In Judges 187 there were five spies from the tribe of Dan that went into Zidion to spy out the land. And when they got there, they said the people were living carelessly beta. The definition of that word is a person not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoid harm or mistakes. Not concerned or worried about anything. Since 2020, Joe Biden has opened the walls of America allowing between 10 to 15 million illegal aliens to enter the land. If America’s enemies could topple the World Trade Center with seven radicals, what could they do with 10,000 radicals that are already here right now which means one in a thousand of those illegal aliens are radicalized? Now, here’s a very sobering verse that I just discussed in our Bible study this week. In Jeremiah 51 it talks about Babylon. Jeremiah is prophesying into the future about Latter-day Babylon, about America.
He says, I will send unto Babylon fanners that shall fan her and they shall empty her land for in the day of trouble they shall be against her roundabout. As we watch the 10 million people cross the borders, are we careless about the protection of our country? The word beta, the same Hebrew word, carelessly is used for Babylon and also in the Gorg-Mekog War. After that war in Ezekiel 39 and 7 it says that Israel will burn or melt the weapons for seven years after that war. How long is the Tribulation period? It lasts seven years. This war is not in the middle of the Tribulation. It’s at the very beginning. And then it goes this far, it says in Ezekiel 39, now is the time of Jacob’s trouble. It actually says now is the time of Jacob’s sorrow, now is the time of the Tribulation. It’s all in this book.
It’s all hidden in here, the time sequences. And there’s only one nation dwelling carelessly in the latter days, Mystery Babylon the Great. Therefore now hear this, you that are given to pleasures, this is an Isaiah 47 that dwells carelessly. You say in your heart I am and none else beside me, I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children. But these two things shall come under thee in a moment in one day the loss of children and widowhood. Babylon the woman who dwells carelessly appears before the new world economic forum, the World Health Organization, whenever those globalists, God is going to let them take over the planet. The Bible says, there is going to be a one-world government, we don’t know when, but we know how it’s going to happen. But the Tribulation and the beginning of the Tribulation cannot begin, we are watching birth pains right now. We’re watching the evil in our society like no generation has ever seen. I have, you know, we’re streaming live now so I can’t, there’s some things I can’t say over the internet because they’ll just chop you off. But believe me, we’re walking in dark, dark times right now.
The wise will understand the wicked won’t. The wicked won’t. The demographics of Prophecy USA are both 45 to 50 and older. The older people know they’re watching, they’re saying this is not going in the right direction. The young people don’t know any different because they’re being taught. They’ve taken this book out of school and they have no idea. To them, this book is a myth. And as my friends say, they are the most mistaken of any generation. Because this book is alive. It’s happening right now underneath our noses. But before the Tribulation begins, it cannot begin until Jesus opens the seals in heaven. Now there are seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls that will be poured out throughout a seven-year period. But it cannot begin until the first four seals are opened and those first four seals are called the Riders of the Apocalypse.
The first Rider of the Apocalypse is a white horse. Now what I’m going to do is I’m going to show you Babylon and how she’s raised up and I’m going to show you how parallels with the four Riders of the Apocalypse. The first horse is white. This is a conquering horse who conquers the minds of the Ten Kings to join him in a new world order. The first horse is white and is a conqueror. Revelation 1712 says, and the Ten Horns, the new world order, which thou saws are Ten Kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, but received power one hour with the beast. These shall have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. Do you think that we’re watching that one mind, that one world government, that one anti-Cray spirit coming together right now trying to fulfill these verses?
They’ve not come together yet. But we warned you about this four years ago in our book. Do you know where the concept came from a new world order with Ten Regions? Came from Justin Trudeau’s father in 1971, the Club of Rome. They sat down and they decided we needed to have a one-world government. They formed the Club of Rome in 1991. They wrote the globalist revolution. And in the globalist revolution, they said, we have to have some fear tactics to pull people together. What can we use? Let’s use pandemics. Let’s use climate change. And let’s use racism. And guess what they’re doing? And two years ago, the Club of Rome was at the United Nations at the World Economic Forum, counseling them. Justin Trudeau’s dad came up with this and Justin Trudeau, his only goal is to fulfill his father’s legacy. They will come together with one mind. They want a one-world government. And by the way, they divided the planet into ten geographical regions of how they would govern world governance. One mind, they come together. It’s not the mind of God. It’s another thing working through them. Now, we’re seeing this happen right now, but it hasn’t come together yet.
Something cataclysmic has to happen for this to happen for the new world order to come in. They must release a red horse. The second rider of the apocalypse. Now, just remember something. God is doing all this. He’s orchestrating all this. He has spoken it. He will also do it. He has purposed it. He will bring it to pass. When they crucified Jesus Christ at the cross, Paul said the princes of this world had no idea what they were doing. Or they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. There were no princes at the crucifixion, but there were principalities and powers in demonic forces working through the people screaming crucify him, crucify him. A man who healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on water, commanded the wind. They didn’t want anything to do with them. That same spirit is here today. It’s working through the globalists because they want a world without God, a world without prayer, a world without the Ten Commandments, and especially a world without Judeo-Christian moral protocol. They want it. Anything goes and God will be their government. So we’re watching this thing form. Now, the black horse is released immediately. I’m sorry.
The red horse is released immediately. What does he do? He creates war with the sword, resulting in one-fourth of the earth’s population dying over seven years. The second rider of the apocalypse has a great sword in his hand. You look that up and it’s a great weapon. It’s a WMD. It’s a weapon of mass destruction that he releases on the earth. First, the minds come together. We just saw yesterday the thinking of the New World Order trying to take out somebody that’s stopping them. We got to pray for Donald Trump. Pray for Donald Trump and pray for America.
As America goes, so goes the world. So who do they have to stop? What nation do they have to put down and overcome?
George Soros is part of the World Economic Forum and he said when Trump got in, Donald Trump had pushed back our initiatives for at least ten years with his policies. They’re actually saying that. So the red horse is released and what happens in Revelation 1716? What happens to the woman? And the ten horns, they will hate the woman. They will make her desolate and they will burn her with fire for God as put in their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over the royal power to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled. So now you see the white horse, the global government. They come together with one mind, but they can’t pull down the woman.
They got a burner. They have to take her out and they will burn her. They will use weapons of mass destruction. Now once that happens, the black horse is released. Guess what the black horse does? He issues a money system around the world so you cannot buy yourself without their world currency. Who has the world currency today, the United States of America? We’re geared up now. They’ve got the digital. They’re working on it. All of this stuff is happening in real-time.
Right under our noses, folks, we are getting ready for that moment when the four writers will be released. And the hoofbeats of the four writers are first going to be heard in the United States of America and Canada. This is a global prophecy. Babylon does not appear throughout the Tribulation period. Why? Because she’s deposed at the very beginning of the Tribulation period by the Red Horse and his sword in the Gogh, Megagore. 15 years ago, there were all kinds of arguments that the Gogh, Megagore would take place in the middle of the Tribulation. Oh, it’d be at the end of the Tribulation. For some reason now, 80% of the people are saying the Gogh, Megagore will be at the beginning of the Tribulation period. Everyone has lined up with exactly what I was told is coming. In 1986, my face, shaking like a leaf. But it’s all in this book. It’s all in this book. So the Red Horse will be released. Then the Black Horse will change the money system overnight. The money system will change. Canadian currency, US currency, done. If you want in on the New World Order, you take the mark. Or you’re not going to go to the store and buy food. Now somebody asked me, who? I got to get kicked in here. Somebody asked me, where is Canada in all this?
I said, well, I don’t think they’re going to blow up Canada. But we are like the 51st Vassal state of the US. I mean, when they sneeze, we get a cold. They have the military. We don’t. We have seven submarines, five of which are at the Edmonton Mall. And we use our money for socialism. Thank God for the US. We don’t have to protect ourselves. They protect us. That’s their job as the Lady of Kingdoms. That’s what God purposes them for. But something’s happened. They’ve turned their back on God. Just like Lucifer, when he fell, he was gifted. But he started looking at the gifts instead of the father of lights who’s the giver of all gifts. Just like all of us do. We’ve all done that. We’ve all made that mistake. So I’m going to skip down now to number four. Mystery Babylon is the city of Rome sitting on seven hills. Now I’m going to go up here.
After the tribulation, at the very end of the tribulation, the seven-year period, it says, John is watching all this happen. And the angel comes to him and says, it is done. It’s done seven years, 21 plagues, and it’s done. And then the angel says to John, comment, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on the waters. Well, we just had the final judgment of Armageddon at the end of the tribulation where Jesus comes. But the angel says to John, come with me. And then he carries John away into the wilderness. He carries him into the wilderness. And he said I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names. And it had seven heads and seven horns.
He carried John away from that event of the end of the tribulation into another time sequence. The word wilderness here means a place uninhabited. He took John from Jerusalem and he brought him to a place that’s uninhabited by humans. And it is here in the wilderness that the angel shows John a great and powerful woman that he calls mystery Babylon the great. Now she’s rich, powerful, decked with gold. She’s sitting on a world beast system, which is comprised of ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet. This is where we are right now. We’re waiting for this to happen. So what is the location of the wilderness? And now many theologians say that it’s Rome.
They say that the angel took John to Rome. If the angel took John to Rome, why did he not say Rome? Rome was in power at the time of John’s revelation. Rome banished John to the Isle of Patmos where he wrote the book of Revelation. Rome was the sixth nation in the line of the eight nations. Everybody in the Bible knew who Rome was. Rome is referenced six times in this book. Why didn’t the angel take John to Rome? Jesus spoke to Paul in a vision and told them that he was to go to Rome. And the night following the Lord stood by him and said, be of good cheer, Paul. For you have testified of me in Jerusalem.
So now bear witness also in Rome. The traditional interpretation will regularly bring up the concept that Babylon is a code word for Rome. And they reference this verse. The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluted you. And so does Marcus, my son. This is Peter speaking. Greedee one another with the kiss. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. The church that is at Babylon. Now Marcus, who Peter was talking about, was not one of the original disciples. He was sent to Egypt specifically to Cairo and he became the father of the Coptic Christians.
Historians tell us that Caesar Augustus had three legions of soldiers in Egypt to make sure that Egypt would not rebel. These soldiers rebuilt an ancient Babylon fortress from 600 BC and it was located on the Nile River. And they called it Babylon. And the remains of that fortress is here today. It’s the Coptic Museum also known as Fort Babylon. Now where they get that Rome is a, that Babylon is a code word for Rome. I have no idea. But that’s one of the things that has been taught for the last 500 years that Rome is Babylon. Now the descriptions of Babylon that I just gave you, does that look like Rome? She’s located 70 miles inland. Number three, mystery Babylon is a religion.
However, the Bible does not say that. The Bible says eight times. And the woman which thou saws is that great city with reigneth over the kings of the earth. Saying alas alas that great city Babylon. The merchants will weep and whale when she gets destroyed saying alas that great city. The sailors will watch when they see the smoke of her burning saying what the city is like under this great city. Revelation 1819. For in one hour, she’s made desolate. Thus with violence shall the great city Babylon be thrown down and be no more. Not once does the Bible say that Babylon is a religion. Many say that she’s a Catholic church.
I’m not going to go into that because she’s not the Catholic church. She’s a city. Number two, the number two. God will not judge the covenant nation of America. She’s not a city. The Bible says that Babylon is a city. She’s not a nation. She’s a city. And America is a nation. She’s not a city. These are the repercussions that I’m getting from the different Theologians. God will never judge America because she’s a covenant nation. The first nation to be judged will be a covenant nation because judgment begins in the house of the Lord and at first begins in us.
What shall be the end of them that believe not the gospel? Judgment is already going through the churches right now. And we all know what’s going on. I know that it’s going to fall into sin. But this is all God moving. Not only in America politically, but also in the churches. It’s happening. The shaking is happening.
Now I’m a little bit overtime here. So I’m going to skip some things. The number one reason. Here’s here’s number one. The USA is nowhere to be found in Scripture. It’s been said that the greatest trick of the devil is to convince the world that he does not exist. The greatest lie being told by the body of Christ today is that America is nowhere to be found in the Bible. This is a stronghold that has been placed in our heads. That America plays no part in Bible prophecy. That’s a lie according to Scripture. The traditions of modern theology have made the word of God of no effect for every Christian in North America.
Millions of Christians have been kept in the dark while traditional teachers, and major Christian TV networks, literally teach that America is not in the Bible. They refuse to reference Scripture stating that the beast system is the eighth kingdom. Instead, they say that the seventh and the eighth are the same. The Bible doesn’t say that. They’re two distinct kingdoms. They teach that the Lady of Kingdoms is the Catholic Church, but the Bible says eight times the woman is a great and mighty city. Rome is not a great and mighty city that rules the earth. Just think about this. Russia, Iran, and China, don’t fear the military might of Rome. Rome does not reign over the kings of the earth.
However, the cities within America have created the most powerful nation on earth and Babylon is not an individual city. Jeremiah 50;32, specifically states that Babylon will be the least of the nations once she’s judged. That’s the only verse in the Bible that says Babylon is a nation. She will go from hero to zero in one hour. In one hour. Traditionless teaches that Babylon will be built by the Antichrist. The Bible doesn’t say that. However, it does say that she’ll be destroyed by the Antichrist. Now, just think of the logic. The Antichrist is going to build this city where he’s going to rule and then he’s going to turn around and he’s going to destroy it. Think about the teachings that we’ve been given.
It makes no sense. They teach that Babylon, located an ancient Babylon, located 180 miles inland over in Iraq, currently in a desert will be rebuilt someday. The Bible doesn’t say that. The Bible specifically states that Babylon has ports and merchants and trade with the shipmasters and sailors of the world before the new world order came into power. Modern-day traditional academics say that America is not in the Bible, but the Bible says that is exactly what they said. That’s exactly what they would say during this time period. And they will fulfill the very scriptures that they themselves deny. Isaiah 47 says, And Babylon, you say, I shall be a lady forever so that thou does not lay these things to thy heart. Neither did remember the latter end of it. Therefore, here now this, thou that are given to pleasures that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thy heart, I am and none else beside me, I shall not sit as a widow.
Neither shall I know the loss of children. Multiple prophets today on the internet state that God is speaking to them concerning America. However, God warns us that if the prophetic words do not come to pass or line up with scripture, we should not listen to them or even be afraid of them. How can you prophesy the future of a nation when you don’t even know that Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, and John have already spoken the end from the beginning of that nation?
Currently, this is where we are in America. Here are two transgendered Biden administration officials, Rachel Davine and Sam Britton, representing the USA at the French Ambassador’s Bastille Day party. This is what is representing the nation that says in God we trust around the world. Sam lost his job several months ago because they had multiple videos of him at the airport stealing women’s luggage. And in April 2023, he was given a $3,600 fine and a suspended jail term of 180 days. Today the rainbow flag flies beneath the American flag and one flag boasts in God we trust. And the other flag proudly states in whose moral and whose Judeo-Christian moral protocol we utterly defy.
Two of the greatest warnings to look for before Babylon’s judgment are prophesied in Isaiah 13, 19 and Jeremiah 50, 35. And Babylon the glory of kingdoms shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. Jeremiah 50, 35 says, As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, social I do unto Babylon and the neighboring cities thereof. Social no man abide there neither shall any son of man dwell therein. This is not what Rick says with the vision that I had, but this is what I was shown was coming. And I’m not kidding you, I thought I was losing my mind. This was all downloaded over a period of seven days. If it weren’t for Oral Roberts laying his hands on me and saying, Son, God has spoken to you. Don’t be upset. But now 37 years, I’m 70 years old.
And I’m teaching this just from the Bible. If the Bible says it, I believe it. And what the Bible says is what the Bible means and what the Bible means is what the Bible says. And I just showed you the 10 reasons why they believe America’s not in the Bible. Now meanwhile, in Canada, Justin Trudeau is the first world leader to appear on a new season of Canada Drag Queen. And many are applauding Justin and saying, con, con, con, dragulations, Justin, you go girl. Well, where exactly is Canada in the USA going? What is our nation’s final destination? Are we climbing or are we descending? Are we on course? Or have we deviated from the course and passed the Rubicon and we’ve entered into judgment?
I believe we crossed that on when Joe Biden was elected on November 3rd, 2020. I can’t go through all the curses that have happened since that time. But there are multiple curses in Deuteronomy 28. The land has been defiled. She’s not giving her oil. The walls have come down. Your enemies will come in. You’ll become a dead nation, not a loner nation. You’ll become the tale and not the head. It’s all happening. We’re watching it.
So what do we do? God has everything in the palm of his hand. He’s already spoken it. I’ve got nothing to worry about. I will answer for Rick and I will answer for no one else. Are you doing what God’s told you to do? Are you walking the way God wants you to walk? God has an open door for us. I’m going to show you that. Remember when he judges Babylon in one hour? He said, I know your work.
He’s talking to the church. He’s talking to those that are following this book. And he said, I have set before you an open door, which no man can shut because you’ve kept my word about patient endurance. I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming upon the whole world to try those who dwell on the earth. After Babylon is judged, this is Revelation 197. Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready. And she should be a raid and fine linen for the fine linen as the righteousness of the saints. And he said unto me, right, blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Marriage supper of the Lamb will not take place until Babylon is destroyed. And when the judgment comes down, the bride will go up. I’m sorry I went over time, folks.