Change for you and your descendants, but you won’t end up living here. You’re going to go all over the earth, north, south, east, west. But don’t worry about that. I will bring you back. And the Lord doesn’t tell him why I’m giving you this, but you’ll be spread all over the world. He doesn’t say why that will happen.
And then he says, but I’ll bring you back. And he doesn’t tell him why he’ll bring him back. But if I use this whole thing by saying, I’m with you, I’ll keep you, wherever you end up. I’ll bring you back. I will not leave you until I have done what I have said to you. These few verses mean everything to you and to me right now. It means everything. The Lord said, I’m with you and I’ll keep you.
So Hamas and Hezbollah and even countries like our own who can’t figure out what we think about. The Lord has a message, I’m taking care of Niyat Nahu. And no matter what you may think, what is going on, God is in charge. He’s there. You’re going to be spread out all over the place, he said, all over the world. Deuteronomy, the Lord will scatter you among all the peoples. He will scatter you from one end of the earth to the other. And there you’ll serve other gods, wood and stone, which your fathers have not known.
That speaks of the Jewish people’s eyes when you find out that the percentage of people are not following the Lord God at all. And yet they’re coming back to Israel and have been doing so for centuries and it’s picked up considerably. And they haven’t got a clue. They can’t tell you why they have come home. Kind of like the Newfoundlanders are always going back to Newfoundland and you ask why. And they’ll say, the cod are running nicely. I don’t know.
And we’ve got friends who are down there and I don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, they’ll be watching this today. And I’ll just say to those people who have had to go to Newfoundland, Alfred, kill your moose and get back here. This is a huge story. Leviticus 26, you however, I’ll scatter you among the nations and will draw out a sword after you. As your land becomes desolate and your cities will become wasted. So here the Lord says, I’m giving you this and they say, good, good, this is where we want to be. And then they get driven out at the Lord’s okay. And they go all over the world.
And what’s that all about? The Lord makes His promises conditional up until the end of the tribulation. The end of the seven years of tribulation. The conditions are removed and God is going to bless them and He’s going to bless the whole world.In you Abraham, through your seed, all the earth will be blessed. We’ve been blessed by them in countless ways.
They’re the ones apparently who figured out how to desalinate the sea water. And between 60 and 80% of the water that will be consumed today in Israel is coming out of the ocean.
They did that. They have come up with so many medical miracles. They’re working right now in Alzheimer’s and they’re working on so many things. They are brilliant people. So they have blessed us in that regard. But they’re going to be a blessing to us. You and I won’t be here for a while. But they’re going to be a blessing to the whole world when God brings them back and something unique happens.
Deuteronomy 4, the Lord will scatter you among the people and you’ll be left few in number among the nations where the Lord drives you. Ezekiel 12, they will know that I’m the Lord when I scatter them among the nations and spread them among the countries. Jeremiah 18, like an East wind I’ll scatter them before the enemy. I’ll show them my back and not my face in the day of their calamity. That calamity has not happened in its fullness yet. Many calamities have befallen them. The Assyrians attacked them, invaded them, and marched thousands out of the country. Took them, kidnapped them with a spear, and took them home.
And then the Babylonians about 200 years later came in, chased off the Assyrians, and then they took a lot of Jewish people out. And we know about, you know, Meshach, Eschach, and Abednego, Joseph, Daniel, those wonderful, heroic persons. All ended up in exile because you see the Lord was judging the people of Israel because they were not depending upon him. So the day of calamity, however, has not really hit with the full thunderous venom that it’s going to. Then 1 Kings 14, for the Lord will strike Israel as a read is shaken in the water and he will uproot Israel from this good language he gave to their fathers and will scatter them beyond the Euphrates because they have made their ashram provoking the Lord to anger. The ashram was a pillar that was put up by the Canaanites in their places of sacrifice. And of all things, the Jews when they came here, they said, well, that’s nice. And so they put up the pillars as well to celebrate the Canaanite gods.
And the Lord said, if that’s how you feel, out you go. So here’s the Lord promising to bless them, providing that they would stay the course, but of course they did not. And the reason that they’re in such trouble today, the Lord is testing them and the Lord is disciplining them. And it’s going to turn out to be them crying out for mercy. You see, the Lord has promised to bless them immeasurably, but two things have to happen. Number one, they’ve got to come home. The difficulty is driving them all over the world. Difficulties like even the Third Reich and how they were immeasurably, terribly beaten and abused.
I’ve been to the camps, the internment camp. I’ve been to them in Germany. I’ve been to them in Poland. The one I went to in Poland is Auschwitz. When I left there, I was so depressed, I could not eat a meal for three days. I felt sick. My heart sank. I wept over it.
I said, dear God, why? The Lord told them, if you don’t follow me, there will be justice. There will be torment. I will allow. I will allow the armies and the peoples of the world to torment you because you haven’t learned. You haven’t learned your lesson. Jeremiah, 30, he says, I am with you to save you, for I will destroy completely all the nations where I did scatter you.
Only I will not destroy you completely, but I will chase in you justly and will by no means leave you alone.
I will not destroy you completely. There are no things. Leave you unpunished. Ezekiel 11, thus says the Lord God. Though I had removed them far away from among the nations, and though I had scattered them among the countries, yet I was a sanctuary for them a little while in the countries where they had gone. That little while has come to a closure. You’ve got women, I don’t know if there’s men involved, I just heard about this crew, this wrecking crew who have taken over the United States government. They tell Biden what to do.
There’s one called AOC. They’re totally committed to Islam, totally committed to the destruction of the United States of America. But more than that, they want to see Israel destroyed. And when that terrible atrocity happened in October, on October the 7th, many of these people danced in the street and celebrated. So the Lord and the doors in the dorms, death threats when they’re walking on the streets, bomb threats are being laid at the doorways of the Jewish sanctuaries where they would go to worship. It’s getting more and more and more difficult for them. But this is nothing new for the Jews. I was amazed, and I didn’t write it all down to bore you with, but I was amazed how many countries over the centuries, this goes way back, like way back.
Every European country you want a name? Told the Jews you’re not welcome here. One by one by one. France, Belgium, Germany, the whole nine yards. Little countries like Lithuania get out. We don’t want you here. Leave. We’re sick of you.
The third Reich decided that they were going to have their own party there. And so they said, we only want us. We’re pure. We’re pure. We’re the Arians. And everybody who is not an asset to us has got to go. They are unreasonable people. And so if you were sick, you were disposable.
If you weren’t pure white, pure white, you were disposable. And if you didn’t cooperate with the German desire to have the country following in this way, if you weren’t committed to that, if you wouldn’t, you know, raise the hand like this and salute their new demi-god, then you were in trouble. And the Jews were marked because they wouldn’t go like this. They were people of prayer. They were people who believed in the Lord God. They were people who believed in honesty and in integrity. But they were hated. Hated.
And one of the big deals was that they were so troubled in all of the European nations that they were pushed away. You can’t be a doctor. You can’t be a lawyer. You can’t do this. You can’t do that. They weren’t allowed to go to school. They weren’t allowed to get a university education. So what did they do?
They turned to the only thing that somebody else couldn’t control them. They became their own bosses and they learned how to use money. That sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Those money people. Those money grubbers. You go back in their history. It was the only thing that I could do. Nobody else would hire them. So they started their own financial ways. And so they just, now they’re hated because they’re so successful. By the way, they make wonderful bagels.
So the Lord scattered them and he’s going to make it difficult for them. So much so. They’re going to head back home. But they know when they get back home. Israel. This is so unique. She’s going home. This is mom and dad. She’s heading home. So I turned to her and I said, this is home, right? She said, well, this is where I’ve been raised. But home is Israel. I said, that’s exciting.
Sounds kind of dangerous to me. She said, well, that’s one of the reasons I’m going. I’ve got to go and help protect my countrymen. I’m going home. I said, so who’s there waiting for you? Oh, our family all left long ago because of suppression and difficulty. I said, so you’ve been there before. Oh, no, I’ve seen photographs.
I’ve never been to Israel. Here’s a young woman calling Israel home going there because there’s trouble. And she’s going to go home. The moment she gets there, she’s going to join the army. How long has this trouble been going on? This real trouble, this current trouble, it started on May the 14th, 1948. That was a wonderful day when David Ben-Gurion, who was someone who was heading up the re-establishment of Israel, made a public announcement on May the 14th.
And declared Israel’s nationhood. Now, this was with the blessing of all of the nations, most of them. This was the blessing of, you know, was it NATO or UN at that time? I’m sorry, I can’t say so with any gravity. But they did this. Ben-Gurion made that announcement with the blessing of the top world leaders. May the 14th, we’re now a nation. Watch this.
Less than 24 hours later, that’s May the 15th, 1948, they were attacked by Ump-teen Arab nations who said, no, we don’t want you to be a nation. We’re going to drive you from the river to the sea. And it has continued unabated until this hour. It’s been nonstop. Suicide bombings. People killed in buses, taxis. People stabbed on the streets.
It’s unbelievable. It’s unbelievable what they have suffered. And why does Israel just succumb a little bit? Be kind. They have offered and offered and offered all kinds of amenities. Listen, the people of Gaza, when they’re in trouble, do you know where they go to the hospital to get help? They cross over into Jerusalem.
They took care of suicidal people who didn’t completely destroy themselves from the, you know, the Palestinian liberation, whatever. When that person was desperately hurt, they rushed them to the hospital in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, and they took care of their enemies. It’s an absolutely incredible thing. They feed them. They offer them medicine. They offer them education.
But it’s not enough. The Muslims, when they attacked Israel in the years of 600, this is after Jesus, in the years of 600, they came in conquest and they took over the city. And by the way, they didn’t stop there. They were marching across Europe. The Muslims were. You need to know that Islam is not a religion. It’s a geo-political force.
They were, you know, instigated, motivated, inspired by the Quran to take over the world and bring the infidels to heal. Cut off their heads if you need to.
And they’ve marched across Europe back in those years and they were stopped only by an uprising there. I forget which country they were stopped at. That’s how come the Crusades started up, going over to push the Muslims back out of Jerusalem. When they took over in Israel in the 600s, they said, we’ve got to mark all these people.
They were bringing in their own people and mixing them up with the population. But they marked all the Jews with some kind of a patch. I believe it was a yellow patch. And you’re thinking, no, Dave, you got it mixed up. That was during, that was in the late 30s when Germany was treated. No, no, no. It happened by the Muslims and Hitler copied it and put the mark of the yellow star. If you have the yellow star, you’re on your way to the ovens.
So these people have just been tormented, unbelievable. The Romans were the worst that came in. And you know all the things that they did. They killed so many. So the Nazi party of, as I’ve already discussed, determined that the Jews had to be dealt with. And I think you know this, that the Jews somehow, I don’t know who hired the ship. But I don’t know how many of them, the ship was far too crowded. There were far more people on this ship than the ship was designed to hold.
And they were trying to escape the heel of the Third Reich. And they got to New York City and the USA said, Jews, you’re dirty. Out. They came to Canada and we echoed what the US did. It was an unbelievable scourge. They did not have a home to go to. Despite the scattering throughout the entire world, despite the incredible torture, the difficulties that they have experienced, by keeping their religious practices, by praying,
they have always endured with a hope for the eventual return to the homeland. Millions of people all over the world. I said to April last evening, “Your family came from England. Yeah, your daddy came from England.“ And I said, but after you’d been here and he’s living in Windsor, somebody said, so, but what’s your nationality? Oh, I’m Canadian. That would be his answer.
We’ve got a group of people in Canada that would also answer in a unique way. What’s your nationality? Well, I’m a Newfoundlander and I live in Canada. But I said to April, one side of my family came from Germany. Their name was Hagen. And I’m from them. So David, you’re German. No, I’m Canadian. I was born in Hamilton. On my father’s side. No, wait a minute. I got mixed up. My father’s side, they came. The Hagen’s came. That was my grandmother. Hagen came from Germany.
On my other side, I came from Scotland. They moved to Ireland. Potato famine forced them to come to Canada. The whole forest clan came. So there’s Scotch, Irish and German. Which one am I? I’m a Canadian. You meet somebody in Montreal when you’re buying the bagels and you say, what’s your nationality?
They won’t say Quebecois. They won’t say Canadian. They will with pride say, I’m a Jew. And they know that saying I’m a Jew could bring them harshness. It could bring a beating if they step outside of their bagel store. But with pride they say, I’m a Jew. So there were these millions of people living in South America. I’ve met them everywhere.
I meet them in airports. Well, not flying these days. But whenever I saw a Jew, you’d know them. If it was a hasidic fellow, you know, with the curls and so on. There’s no question who he was. And they’re tired. But then there’d be men in the airport and they didn’t have the curling. But you could tell them by their hats. I don’t know where they all get their hats, but you know them by their hats. And I have to do this. I am compelled to do it. Don’t ask me. I just walk up to them and I say, I think you are a Jew. And like their eyes flash and they think and they think you’re a suicide bomber. And I say, my name is David Forrest. I’m a Christian and I want you to know I’m on your side.
I’m on your side because you’re a descendant of Abraham. I tell you what, they light up. They absolutely light up. I was in a taxi going from a kibbutz to Nazareth. I had left personal property there when we were in Nazareth. And so I hired a taxi. I said, take me up to Nazareth. There’s something I want to get.
Wait for me and bring me back. Nazareth, what did bring you over here? Where were you from, Canada? What brought you here? I said, my love for Israel. He looks at me. He says, you’re not Jewish. I said, you don’t have to be Jewish to love Israel.
Why do you love us? I said, because of your great, great, great grandpa, Abraham. I said, because of him, I’m a blessed man. He wanted to know how that worked. I started giving him my tassel. The man broke down and wept as he drove his taxi. I said, you need to know. There’s a lot of people in Canada.
We love you Jews. He said, don’t say that. You see, here’s the thing. If you kick them, they know how they don’t know how to deal. If you hurt them, they’ll just take it. But when you say, I love you, they have no defense. They know how to deal with that. They’re the most hated people on the planet.
But they’re special people. Longing for the return. So nearly 70 years before 1948, thousands of Jewish people started arriving. And they’re still coming. They came from all over the world to a place that they had never been. The Jewish people have been coming by the thousands. And Bible prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, among others, all spoke of a time when God would bring the people home.
Amos 9, I will also plant them on their land. And they will not again be rooted out from their land which I have given them. The whole world is the Lord’s. He owns everything. And to Abraham’s descendants, he said, I want to give you, it’s mine to give you. I give you this land. Can anybody name another country, another, can anybody name a pot of soil in the world? Somebody had the right to say, I give you this.
God gave Israel that land. Micah 2, I will surely assemble all of you, Jacob. I will surely gather the remnant of Israel. I will put them together like sheep in the fold and like a flock in the midst of the pasture. Zephaniah 3, at that time I will bring you in. Even at the time when I gather you together, indeed I will give you renown and praise among all the peoples of the earth.
When I restore your fortunes before your eyes says the Lord. Psalm 107, let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Who are the redeemed? I’ve always quoted that saying, well, where are the redeemed? This is to the Jewish people. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from the hand of the adversaries and gathered them from the lands, from the east, from the west, from the north, from the south. There’s a quote from what the Lord said to Jacob. You’ll be scattered at every point of the conference. And Psalm 107 says, but he’s going to bring us back home. So May the 14th, it happened.
And within 24 hours, the riots started and the tanks were rolling. And I remember sitting in a home late, early or late in 69, with a lady who had been, her name was Beckenkamp, a wonderful Dutch. She was a God-do woman. She’d gone to Israel. And when she came back, we all gathered in a home together. And she told us what she saw over there. The war had ended and she saw the tanks. She saw all the military left.
She saw the boots on the ground. They hadn’t been gathered. She was there shortly after. Do you know that the Arabs jumped out of their tanks? They had knives. They zipped open the shoe. This is their story. Zipped open their shoelaces so they could run free of the horrendous boots that they’d been issued by the army. They ran for home. And nobody knows why they ran. It was instantaneous. It was like somebody blew a whistle or a horn. And thousands of soldiers just turned and ran for home. It was a day of victory. God bless them. Exodus, narrow therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant.
Again, this is Exodus 19, 4 to 6. If you will obey me, my voice. And if you will keep my covenant, then you shall have a special treasure to me above all the people. For all the earth is mine and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words of the Lord spoken to the children of Israel. They are not a kingdom of priests. They’re not a holy nation. They’re a nation that’s being gobbled up by the Hollywood stuff gobbled up.
They become as worldly as you can imagine. So what’s going to bring them to the Lord? They’re fighting. They’re winning. Every day, you know what’s going on with Lebanon and they’re braced for it. Yet another onslaught. They’re winning. They’re winning.
They’re winning. And they’re saying, we won’t stop until it’s done. It’ll never be done. Rush is coming. Arends coming. They’re all coming. They’re going to put a circle of fire around Israel. And Israel won’t have enough iron domes.
They won’t have enough ammunition to defend all these missiles provided financially by the king of all kings of the U. S. Obama. He gave them billions of dollars. Flew airplanes full of money. They’re one of the richest countries in the world – Iran. But it’s all American tax money. They financed them to the top of the world. And now our own Prime Minister just days ago spoke at the UN. Did you hear how many stayed to hear him? He was addressing the house. Like six people. Six people stayed to listen to him. But the camera doesn’t show you an empty house. It was a staging. And here’s what he was saying to the, well, he was trying to say to the countries of the world, we need to, we need to sign a pact where we’re all going to be together.
Where in the world, what does this sound like? We’re all going to be together.
We’re going to bring peace. We’re going to bring prosperity. We’ve got to overlook all of our whatever’s. And we’ve all got to experience the green new deal. And China wasn’t sitting there. They open up a new coal mine every six days. They’re not listening. You are paying at the pumps and China is laughing at you. But there he was. And he’s going to sign us over to the World Health Organization. And they will tell us how Canada’s health thing is going to go. The whole world is going lopsided.
And they’re all eventually going to head toward Israel. And Israel’s going to cry out to God. And that is going to be at the moment when the Lord says it worked. You came home and now you’re calling out to me. And Jesus is going to break the silence of the skies. Every Arab that’s against them is going to quake. Everybody in the world is going to recognize the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. We win the day in Jesus.
I just got a signal from one of my trustees. Settle down here. Nobody knows what this is all about. Thank God’s telling me to shut up. And he’s on a few other people’s side. I don’t know. But anyway, God is going to bless Israel. And when he does, all the nations of the world are going to be blessed because of it.
So we know that’s at least seven years from now, at least. Because they will not turn to the Lord until the last day of seven years of what’s called the time of Jacob’s trouble. They haven’t seen anything yet. And a large proportion of their people will be lost in the midst of a war. It’s not going to get better. It’s going to get more difficult. But you, you have a comfort in your hearts.
I’ll tell you what. There’s an angel in heaven. And that angel has been assigned. There’s this gigantic lever up there. And if he pulls that lever, it becomes the most powerful electromagnet the world has never known. And God has put a little piece of metal somewhere in every one of your souls. When that angel pulls the lever, you’re going up.
I think I feel the tug right now. We’re going to get called home soon. Don’t you fret. Don’t you worry. For life, your children, we’re going to go through difficult times. But the last chapter is a glorious chapter. So hang on for the ride. Heavenly Father, I thank you for the Word of God.
My heart is concerned for Nia Nahu and even the people of his own country who don’t know how to judge how he responds to the terrorists, the missiles, all the rest of it. They’re in the streets. They carry on. We know it’s a country that’s being ripped apart by all kinds of stuff. And we know that there’s also agents in our country and in every free country of the world who are all part of a genuine design to bring Israel to its knees, if not to obliterate them.
So Lord, we commend you today. We thank you for letting us in on the whole story. We are a blessed people already to know them. And Lord, may we be honorable in all our dealings with every Jewish person. May we find an opportunity to say we love the Jewish people because you are chosen.
You are special. We thank you for it, Lord.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.