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Well, I’m back in Samaria again this morning and I just want to pass on something to you. You hear about so-called incursions by the Jews. It’s considered to be illegal for the Jews to be in the West Bank. You’ve heard that.

And there’s a lot of turmoil in the West Bank right now because it’s a hornet’s nest of pathetic people. Not all the people that are there are terrible. But that is where Hezbollah or Hamas I don’t know they may have some new groups by now. But yeah, they’re terrorists and so there’s operations in there right now. It’s not the West Bank. That is a wording given to are you ready? Judea and Samaria. That’s the West Bank. And why are we not calling it Judea and Samaria? Because somebody’s feelings are going to be hurt. I’m sick of that. So this story this morning again happens not in the West Bank, but it happens in Samaria. So I choose now to read out of God’s Word.

“He came to a city.” This is John’s Gospel chapter 4. “Jesus came to a city of Samaria. The city at that time was called Saikar. Near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now, Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore being wearied from his journey sat by the well. It was about the sixth hour.” The sixth hour is 12 noon. Hottest moment of the day. A woman of Samaria came to draw water. I’ve mentioned this before. She came at noon at the hottest time of the day, probably because she knew nobody else would be there.

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