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My Sermon Title today is .. For Heaven’s Sake. 

And I have to tell you, that every once in a while I’m guilty of saying that wonderful expression, and I don’t know why we say it. I don’t know where it comes from, but I thought it was kind of handy because this morning I want to talk about heaven. 

Back in the 70s, there was a young couple that I heard about and it’s a long story. I’ll make it extremely brief. I went to visit him because he ended up in the hospital and it turned out that he had lung cancer. I didn’t know that when I first met him. And I went very early one morning. I was awakened early in the morning, five o’clock in the morning, and by five thirty in the morning I was at his bedside and he was awake. He was sitting up and he said, Oh Pastor Forrest, what are you doing here this morning? So early. I said I believed that God woke me up. And I said, He told me to come here and visit you. Oh, he said, that’s nice. I said, well, it’s going to get better because you’re going to give your heart to Jesus this morning, Malcolm. And he did. And his wife did. And his brother there. And his sister-in-law. And his mom. And his dad. And a host of others.

It was just, it was just a trainload of what God did. And glory be to Jesus, not to anybody else. But he succumbed to that cancer. And I would go to visit him in his home. He actually stayed in his home until his very last day and was cared for by his beautiful wife Helen. And we still at times keep in contact with Helen. But I remember I went every morning to his house. He and I were the same age. We were only a couple of months off. So I was cratering inside. I was a young father. He was a young father. He had two very little ones. The little girl was still in rompers. You know, like, is that the right word? Diapers? And such a young family. I was brokenhearted. And so I would go in every day. I carried my Bible with me, of course, and I would read him scriptures about how God answers prayer. Divine healing. I told him the story of my wife’s healing. April, I related this story again yesterday in a little town south of here standing outside a little restaurant where I met these people for breakfast. I told them the story of April’s healing. And they were absolutely astounded. 

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